I should be packing my clothes and things, I am going over to GA's to look after the house and cat for two weeks.
Ren, I respect you and everything and I know your feelings towards GA , but you really can't keep doing stuff for this man. 
Take your time Ren, also to take leave of the stuff and memories you don't want to take back with you while you are there.
Maybe you can ponder on what you do want to have back with you while you are there.
This may be a good way to say goodbye to what has been.
If the coming weeks will be that to you, it will be rough.
Here's some
to pack for when you need them.
^ totally ovelooked that aspect.
Apologies Ren , I agree with Hyke hope you can find some closure with this. 
Well both of you are right, I shouldn't keep doing things for GA. She has left the place in a mess and I can't help myself, I have to clean it up if I am to feel comfortable here. I would rather look after the cat myself too, than have him sent off to a cattery.
I will also be packing up my stuff that is still here, have to go and get some packing boxes. I might actually be getting my own place soon (through a housing agency that is for people with mental illness, been signed up with them since 2005). So I have that to look forward to.
Thanks for your comments.