I'm bizarrely overly safe to the point where I've never broken or sprained anything, never electrocuted myself or gotten harmfully burned or cut. Never quite figured it out - I was a chickenshit little kid and the stupidly safety-conscious aspect of that seems to have stuck without my ever trying.
I was always the sort of kid who didn't jump from the treehouse or hold onto the lit fireworks, and who always saw the point of wearing a bicycle helmet, but although I've never broken or sprained anything, I've been burned and cut plenty of times. Burns and cuts don't bother me; it's only more serious injuries that I worry about. I also take precautions like wearing nitrile gloves while soldering, so that I don't get lead on my hands, and I'm happy to put on a dust mask or goggles whenever they're appropriate to the situation.
Despite this, my mum for many years kept telling people that I had a poor sense of danger, and it's only recently, after repeatedly correcting her, that she seems to be getting it into her head that I'm actually a very cautious person, and always have been.