Just rejected a fat girl whom I most probably could have fucked tonight. I'm not that desperate. 
No, you're more than *that* desperate.

Where will I start? I went down half asleep one morning a few years back when my mother made breakfast. Not fully awake to aware of the fact my underware has a piss hole, I stormed right in to the kitchen and the little winker slid out by accident... she noticed and screamed.
Farted once in PC World by accident, it happened to be a REALLY smelly and REALLY loud. Worse still, I browned myself. The guy beside me walked away in disgust and said "jesus fucking christ". It wasn't my fault, was really ill that day.
Walked into wrong classrooms in school a few times, then argued that I was supposed to be there.
I did the opening doors one too, opening them for people then letting them go when I thought they got pass. A few people got hit by the process, children too. Didn't mean to.

Erections in shops and people noticing, giving me bad looks like I was some pervert. Oddly enough, I wasn't thinking of sexual thoughts.... it just appears seemly on it's own will.