Well, it's a pity she has to walk so far when she gets depressed enough to slit her wrists...
Well, exercise never hurt anyone.
Oh, Bint - nice move trying to pick on someone about their disability, at least being blind is an excuse. What's yours for being so goddamned ugly?
And one last thing you stupid bitch. Picasso paintings go for millions.
yourself yet again.
The mean beastly NT is picking on me 
As for Picasso, if he ever painted you, the value of the painting would be at least $10,000,000 
What are you gonna do, cry to odeunt? Or your Ragebeloved? Fuck, why don't you learn to fight your own battles, Gussie-poo... 
I was actually being sarcastic with: "The mean beastly NT is picking on me
" and I meant myself as the beastly NT 
Still, you tried I guess 
Your problem is, you'd have trouble picking a loose scab off your knee.
Stop trying to be such a tough girl, and get back into the kitchen and wash the dishes. Fuck, these women's lib fuckwits.....