Thanks for the welcome, guys.

Where are you located?
I'm in upstate NY (Binghamton area), but moving to Baltimore within the next couple of months.
*googles the Leopold and Loeb case*
Huh. Interesting.... It reminds me of the Parker-Hulme murder. You ever read up on that one?
Oh yeah, it's definitely reminiscent of the Parker-Hulme murder. Though Leopold-Loeb was possibly even colder/more disturbing (if you can really quantify such a thing), in the sense that it was more of an academic exercise. Both fascinating cases, though.
Heavenly Creatures was a great movie, too.
Did you get into the Leopold and Loeb case via Daniel Clowes? 
I used to be obsessed with the Alex and Derek King case.
Actually, no. I'm not really sure how I got into it, actually. But sadly, I've never read/seen anything by Daniel Clowes. Been meaning to see
Ghost World forever. I'll have to read up about the Alex and Derek King case... not especially familiar with the details.
Welcome to AspieLuvPuffs, your number one gay dating site for socially retarded queerballs 
Hooray! I've come home!

Hello Alanna. Your avatar rawks. 
Thanks! Are you a fan of Watchmen, by any chance?