heard of it? It works on the same principles as a spam filter, but it's designed to filter comments on websites on the basis of 'indicators of stupidity', and it's really more of a grammar filter that looks for excessive or absent punctuation, poor spelling, ALL-CAPS etc. I'm curious about what the outcome would be if people who post on Youtube, Yahoo! Answers and other popular sites started getting error messages when they tried to post a comment, saying it had failed a quality test or something like that, or if they found that their comments were being hidden Slashdot-style.
It might be that comments would remain just as idiotic, but would become more grammatically correct and look less like they'd been typed by someone's butt-cheeks, but if people took the time to type well-formed posts rather than vomiting on their keyboards, they might also put more thought into the content of their posts.
Example of a stupid comment that I read today, which would be filtered out by this system:
Not True
Mon Jun 22 15:44:26 BST 2009 by mimansa
it:nt true .............. before 2 couple of month my grandfather had expiered due to cancer $ he had grey hair , the fact s that this report is t true it is only waste news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!