Considering you are already fucked, you've got a pretty good start. I mean, just look in the mirror. If my dog had a head like yours, I'd shoot the bastard and put it out of it's misery.
No idea what that meant. I'm fucked? So you're gonna come and kick my butt? Oh please don't hurt me mr. internet tough guy.
210 henry mason way, jeffersonville indiana

What, the Jeffersonville Town Dump? Where they drop all the toxic waste and other shit? Why doesn't that surprise me?
Besides, I'd kick your 12 year old pimply arse from here to breakfast-time, you weedy little runt. Go get your father, he might be a better challenge. That's if you can get him off dialysis long enough.

He is out of your league trust me 
He's out of his fucking mind. He's just another internet wimp, a pansy. Go back into the closet with the rest of the poofters, you gutless fag.
I mean, really. The cunt can't even think up a name that can be pronounced. Ragebeoulve? sounds like someone about to toss their lunch.
But then again, your fanbase here must love you, considering the lovefest that this place is. Everyone creaming their knickers just to join in with their favourite 'wanker of the month'. If you can't chase people off by fucking with their minds, then you'll try any other shit. Like getting odourous to ban. How fucking frightening, to be ganged up on by a bunch of weak pissant schoolkids on a fucking forum? Christ, it's a pity none of you bastards had anything better to do.
If I din't think you were so serious, I'd be pissing myself laughing right now.
Come on, have a go you weak bastards.