He wanted war stories from paedophiles. That's not against the US law but it's *defnitely* against Hostgator's TOS.
Wait what? That's it?

Lit talks about banging underage girls all the time without much hassle, what makes this different then? It's obviously a humorous post without any serious intention, so it's not breaking the TOS in my view.
Lit's been quite specific about his girls being (at least) the age of consent in Sweden. There's plenty of posts where he points this out but AFAIK there's not a single post about him banging girls below that limit.
Amerikasend, however, specifically asked for stories about experiences concerning sex with *children* (I believe 11-yo's) which is *specifically* against the TOS because it promotes illegal activities (cp on an American server--any such story is), which in turn is against Hostgator's TOS. Please read
You should know that Hostgator is the sole arbiter whenever there is a disagreement. A quick Google search will give you ample evidence of their stance in similar matters in the past so you and anyone else can scream bloody murder if you want, without it actually changing anything else than the membership's attitude towards yourselves.
Any clearer yet?