
Author Topic: OH GOD WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN  (Read 718 times)

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Offline RageBeoulve

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« on: June 20, 2009, 04:00:21 PM »
Did I ever tell you about the man who taught his ass to talk? His whole
abdomen would move up and down you dig farting out the words. It was
unlike anything I had ever heard.

"This ass talk had sort of a gut frequency. It hit you right down there
like you gotta go. You know when the old colon gives you the elbow and it
feels sorta cold inside, and you know all you have to do is turn loose?
Well this talking hit you right down there, a bubbly, thick stagnant
sound, a sound you could smell.

"This man worked for a carnival you dig, and to start with it was like a
novelty ventriliquist act. Real funny, too, at first. He had a number he
called "The Better 'Ole' that was a scream, I tell you. I forget most of
it but it was clever. Like, "Oh I say, are you still down there, old

"'Nah! I had to go relieve myself.'

"After a while the ass start talking on its own. He would go in without
anything prepared and his ass would ad-lib and toss the gags back at him
every time.

"Then it developed sort of teeth-like little raspy in- curving hooks and
start eating. He thought this was cute at first and built and act around
it, but the asshole would eat its way through his pants and start talking
on the street, shouting out it wanted equal rights. It would get drunk,
too, and have crying jags nobody loved it and it wanted to be kissed same
as any other mouth. Finally it talked all the time day and night, you
could hear him for blocks screaming at it to shut up, and beating it with
his fist, and sticking candles up it, but nothing did any good and the
asshole said to him: 'It's you who will shut up in the end. Not me.
Because we don't need you around here any more. I can talk and eat AND

"After that he began waking up in the morning with a transparent jelly
like a tadpole's tail all over his mouth. This jelly was what the
scientists call un-D.T., Undifferentiated Tissue, which can grow into any
kind of flesh on the human body. He would tear it off his mouth and the
pieces would stick to his hands like burning gasoline jelly and grow
there, grow anywhere on him a glob of it fell. So finally his mouth
sealed over, and the whole head would have have amputated spontaneous-
except for the EYES you dig. That's one thing the asshole COULDN'T do was
see. It needed the eyes. But nerve connections were blocked and
infiltrated and atrophied so the brain couldn't give orders any more. It
was trapped in the skull, sealed off. For a while you could see the
silent, helpless suffering of the brain behind the eyes, then finally the
brain must have died, because the eyes WENT OUT, and there was no more
feeling in them than a crab's eyes on the end of a stalk.
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline RageBeoulve

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« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2009, 04:03:27 PM »





"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline RageBeoulve

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« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2009, 04:05:06 PM »
##1.0.##[DIRTY DOORMAT]########################################################
to do this you will need a piece of paper and a bright crayon or pen. you
should keep in mind that paper is white so yellow and pink are not good choices


1.take the paper and the crayon or pen (I WILL BE CALLING IT A CRAYON FROM NOW
offensive on it like "SHIT" or if youre feeling really nihilistic i guess you
could use something even more offensive but dont go overboard because the man
is always watching!!

2.put the piece of paper on your doormat with the words facing upwards so when
the mailman comes in the morning to give you letters he will see the words you
wrote and he will think like "Wow This House is full of Anarchists!! Better
Watch out!!" and maybe if youre lucky he will forget a letter and youll be
able to tell your friends that mailmen suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

##1.1.##[TAPER CAPERS]#########################################################
this is a neat trick you can do in the evening when youre bored and anarchy is
on your mind! just be sure you have tape (not clear tape.. even tho you can do
some pretty nifty tricks with clear tape) and scissors (if you dont have any..
then as i say "what Kind of Anarchist Are You!"


1.first this is a pretty easy trick to do but make sure you don't have to
clean up in your house this week or something.. youll have to clean up the
windows... grade a punishment straight from the government...

2.anyway... go look for a window in your house.. it shouldnt be too hard heh
ok now take the tape and with the help of your scissors (i hope you have some
..) make a big anarchy sign on the window.. to help you i made this diagram:

/ / / / \ \ \ \
/ / / / \ \ \ \
/ / / / \ \ \ \
| | / / \ \ | |
| | / / \ \ | |
\ \/ / \ \/ /
\ \/ \/ /

3.sorry its not perfect... but im still learning.. anyway next time someone
walks past your house they will think "Oh how Good this is a Pretty House..
I Think some nice Capitalist People live in There..." and then they will see
the anarchy sign and their minds will be confused.. "Oh No my Guess was Wrong
this is an Anarchist House!!!!!!!"

1. this only works if you have bushes or nice hiding places at your house..
after you make the sign go outside and hide... then you have to wait.. when
you see a person come up wait for his face to change to terror as he sees
it.. now is your moment to strike... jump out of your hiding place and say
"I did This... I am Starting a Anarchist Revolution... Get Ready Capitalist
Pig.." and then either hell get scared and run away and you can tell all your
anarchist buddies/BBSes about what happened... and then youll get new friends
or.. if he doesnt run away he might join you and then youll have another
anarchist warrior to help you... this will double your anarchy potential

##2.0.##[LOCKER ANARCHY]#######################################################
very nice good trick i learned when i went to the school... of anarchy!! all
you need is some keys and a school with some lockers in it.. lockers are bad
because they are made to hide secret megacorporation information used to
make people mindless slaves!!


1. get your keys (or mayb knife if you are a experinced anarchist..) and find
the locker of your capitalist enemy.. in next part you need to unleash some

2. use your keys to scrape some anarchy sign or threat on your enemys locker!

3. wait for your enemy to arive.. watch as he falls on his knees and starts
to cry!! a capitalist enemie destroyed mentally.... one less enemei in the

1. use red crayon instead of key.. your enemy wil think you used blood to
draw the sign or threat or something... one time i heard he killed
2. use clear tape like in 1.1 TAPER CAPERS
3. draw anarchie logo on your own locker... evryone will know you are a
anarchist and are afraid to go to your locker.. othar than mayb other
anarchists....but thats good because you can build anarchiste army

##2.1.##[TEACHER DESTROY]######################################################
this is the first article on destroying teacher completely... its very good
help for begining anarchists because teacher are working for the man to
to control your mind... and make you capitalist!! it helps if you are one of
the neon knights of metaland.. you need some spraypaint i hope you can get it


1. wait for your teacher to say sumthing stupid and capitalist to you.. like
tell you false information like anarchy sucks or something...

2. say FUK U i'm your anarchy name here and spraypaint anarchy logo on wall

3. break window and jump out.. if its higher than second floor they wil think
you are imortal.. u can use this as advantayge.

4. leave school or go kick some windows.. watever anarchist stuf you can think
of.. teacher shud be ready for mental hospital now!! hahaha! anarchie wins

you can do prety much anythin you want... teachers are weak beings easily
destroyd!! this is very basic article.. go try it

"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline RageBeoulve

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« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2009, 04:06:00 PM »
The stands cheer as Hitler fights on.
His next opponent walks out of the gate.
A great light blinds Hitler as he struggles to see a dark image walk ever closer to him, he knows his opponent.
He forces himself to stand up and focus on the one and only, Jesus Christ.
As frightening as it may sound, Hitler was not scared.
Instead, anger filled his blood stream, a everlasting hate on a man from his childhood.
Jesus tried to save Hitler, but Hitler had enough.
Out of Hitler's bad of danger he pulls out a yellow bag.
He then clinches something in a shape of a handle and swings the bag towards Jesus' face.
Jesus instantly falls to the ground as Hitler begins to giggle like a 12 year old girl.
Hitler exposes the object in the yellow bag, yup definitely a hammer.
Now that everyone can see what Hitler has swung at Jesus, he continues.
one, two, seven more hits from the hammer begin to dis form Jesus' holy face, blood is everywhere.

Jesus now lays on the ground making what seems to be a gurgling noise as Hitler reaches into his bag and pulls out a screwdriver.
He yells out to the sky in German "Tötet alle Juden!" and begins to stabs Jesus multiple times in the stomach puncturing all organs in his abdominal region.
The torture isn't over yet for Jesus Christ.
Hitler figures that Jesus don't need no eyes so slowly he begins to poke them out with his trusty screwdriver.

Now that Jesus is blind and broken into the dirty Jew lover he was born to be, Hitler decides to give him a few more blows to the head with his good ol' hammer.
Again he smacks Jesus on the side head and more blood starts to pour out of his Jew head.
Hitler takes out a straw and slurps the blood off his face, nothing better than freshly squeezed Jew.
Did I forget to mention that Jesus is a Jew?
Hitler takes more of his blood and wipes it on his face only to become a robot.

Well Hitler is victorious, and it's a good thing his buddy caught it all on camera with his cell phone.
Good times.
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline RageBeoulve

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« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2009, 04:07:28 PM »
Does God or any type of divinity exist? Most people today would say no (atheists), or some would say yes but they do not know what type of God or divinity it is (agnostics), which means "ignorant" or "uncertain". Why is this?

Through history, most sane people affirmed the existence of some divinity. They may have declared themselves agnostic about the divine nature or attributes; but they acknowledged the necessary existence of a god or gods. This was true for non-Christians and Christians alike. In fact, St. Thomas Aquinas based his "Five Ways," which is a proposal to the existence of God which are not all the ways to know that God exists, but are the most famous upon the foundations of Aristotle and Plato, both pagan Greeks who lived centuries before Jesus Christ. These were men of reason and not faith alone. It was not until the 19th century that anyone seriously proposed the denial of any divinity at all; and such denial indeed requires a huge leap of faith, certainly no less then the belief in any traditional notion of God.

The existence of God is at least reasonable, if not "self evident" as our founding fathers believed. I will show you why, by St. Thomas's famous "Five Ways".

1. The Argument From Motion or Change

It starts with a simple fact: everything in the world that we experience undergoes change, starting from the potential to the actual. Everything moves or changes. Yet nothing moves or changes on its own. Everything that moves must be moved by something already in motion. It must have a beginning that is unmoved. Thus, this thing that is unmoved and starts the all the motion is what we call God.

Consider this analogy:

Imagine that you drive up to a railroad crossing, only to find a train passing by. You see boxcar after boxcar after boxcar, first dozens of them and then hundreds of them. You arrived as the train was already in motion, so you never saw the engine. But you infer that the train has an engine; because , if you see a train in motion, you know that something is moving it. An engine is pulling the boxcars. If you deny the existence of the engine, then you've enlarged the need to find a much bigger and extraordinary cause for the motion of such a long line of boxcars. The engine of the train that is pulling the boxcars is what we call God, which starts everything else on earth to move and change. It is simple logic.

Now this also sheds light on his second way as well.

2. The Argument From Efficient Causality

This argument is similar to the first. It is the simple logic that every effect has a cause. Everything I do has a an effect. For example, when we see a that a man burnt his hand (effect), we conclude that something hot (cause) burned him. It is quite simple. Everything in this whole world is a constant effect of some cause.

So then we ask, what is the ultimate cause of the universe? We all know that all matter cannot be created or destroyed, that is the first Law of Thermodynamics. So what caused this matter to first exist in the universe? It is simple, God. Nothing can be created out of nothing. Therefore, God is the first cause and the universe and everything else in it is the effect of that cause. It is simple logic.

This is the first part of my arguments on the existence of God. I pray that they will help you and bless you.


Romans 1:16
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline RageBeoulve

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« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2009, 04:08:01 PM »
Neville Longbottom was a good little boy at Hogwarts. He never got in trouble, and liked Harry Potter a lot. It was a Saturday evening, and he had to go to Snape's class for remedial potions, so he wouldn't kill everyone in the class by adding too much of something. Neville had had a long day of masurbating to the Chudley Cannons in Quidditch Monthly. He was nervous about going down to see Snape in his office because every time he saw Snape, he got a massive erection. He was good at hiding it, though. He went downstairs, into Snape's classroom, and he immediately got harder than John Holmes on Viagra. Snape noticed. He said, “Mr. Longbottom, I believe I instructed you at the beginning of my classes that your wand wouldn't be needed in my class.” However, he pulled out his 11 inch long wand, and started stroking it. Just then, Fred and Enrique walk in and Fred started fucking Snape up the ass, while Enrique rubbed his back. Neville said, “Damnit Fred, what are you doing here? If you're real, you better tell me!” He pulled his massive love torpedo out and Snape got down to sucking it harder than a hooker with a vacuum cleaner. Neville said, “I am the Yellow Poplar!” and came all over Snape's face, and then Snape got scared, and said, “You're moving with your Auntie and Uncle in Bel-Air.” The lesson here is never trust a nigger with your bike. THE END
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline RageBeoulve

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« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2009, 04:09:56 PM »
well in the begging, i see us kissing walk towards my bed room, when we get in there you push me down on the bed, i picture us about a year ta 2 years older, and your kissing me and you pull out hand cuffs and lock me to my bed and keep kissing me then you get on top of me and unbutton my pants and unzip them but don't go anyfurther from there.

then you lock up my other hand and begin to kiss me and you cut off my shirt and begin to kiss me gin down my chest and you left 3 hicky's one on my neck one on the base of my neck where the 2 bones connect and one on my uder chin. and as you begin to go lower you stop when you get to my abs, Yes I have abs, they're only semi abs thoguh, they're not like those that pop out alot, only the way they are now.

but then you take off your shirt and bra and keep kissing me, then you go down to my pants and take them off even my shoes and socks, and take your socks as well, then you put your hand down my boxers, yes I know it's gonna get graphic and we begin to talk.

you then begin to give me a hand job as were kissing and begn to say "Ehhh, not half bad, I hope you know how to use it" nd I answered " you'll learn that soon enough" and you took off your pants and sat there in your panties still kissing me and playing with my Dick O.O yea I said it!! well you decided you had enoguh of "Fooling Around" so you took of both of your underwear and got to it you began to stick my dick in yourself giving little squeeks and moans as you went up and down then you layed down and began to kiss me to stop you little moans and my "ohhhhh yes, and ahhhh that feels great" and you were still moving yourself up and down as we were kissing, and one of the hand cuffs broke and I unlocked the other one as I stopped you and got up with you in my arms I put you against the wall and began to push s hard as I ould and you began to moan louder and louder as I pushed harder and harder. as we began to talk

"Glad my moms not here, like she'd give a fuck"
"Shut up and keep pushing it feels so great inside, I feel your warmth in my body, and I want it there so keep going" you repied to what I said
"This begins our final bond, to never leave each other"

as I began to push harder and harder. I then lets you down and you were wet. you then grabbed my dick and dragged me into my living room. I put you and tied you to the couch as I began to kiss down your body when I got you your Vigina nd began you eat you.((I don't know why, apparently it's something every guy wants to do)) you began you scream as I then began to kiss you once more as I put my dick back into you, as you began to scream "I'am gonna cum....." and I kept going and I said "Let's do it together", and you then replied "I'am glad todays one of my safe days so go as you want, I want it inside me" as I kept going and soon enough you were yelling and saying "I can feel them your warm juices inside me, they keep me warm and in pleasure" as we began to kiss again and we walk to my room and you said "I wanna suck you but I don't know what it taste like", and I replied "you'll never know until you try atleast once right?" an you answered one last time after you got on your knees beside my dick "so true" as you began to suck me you kept on sucking me, and you wouldn't stop then you said "I taste your juice's again I guess you really Love me huh? and I answered "f course so don't you leave me" and you went back to sucking me and said "cum in my mouth I wanna taste your juices, just to see what they taste like" I anwered "I'am gonna cum, I'am sorry I can't hold any longer" as I began to cum and you swallowed and for some reason said "Taste like Strawberries" and you began to ick the remnant's of the leftovers and then you got up and we bagan to put our sleeping clothes on((Boxers/ panties and bra)) as we got into bad and cuddled our selves too sleep.

DON't Hate Me Please it's just what I saw in a dream....a reoccuring dream which happens 2 be 1 of 2 things with me for some reason, something that happens in the future....Orrrrr something I really want to happen,don't ask me which. I Love You, just know that and if we ever got this far, in a year or 2 maybe longer. and to me it's a sign of always being together, it's one of my 10 only beliefs and commandments.
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline RageBeoulve

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« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2009, 04:11:55 PM »
I don't come here all that often, but I've been reading some of the old posts and it seems like a lot of people are down on themselves, with a 'poor me, I'll never get a loli girlfriend' kind of attitude. I used to think like that, but then I realized that there is a lot you can do to enjoy yourself, and not hurt anyone in the process.

Now as far as you guys know I could be a 14 year old kid on here to look at all the anime pictures, or I could be a 36 year old divorced dad with a cute little girl that I get to see every other weekend. This situation used to cause me a lot of stress because on one hand I'm so turned on and attracted to this little girl sitting in my lap, but on the other hand I do care about her and I wouldn't want to do anything that would hurt her.

So for a long time I was all confused and just did not know what to do. So after many sleepless nights I came to the conclusion that in the interest of my daughter there was no way I could do anything that could harm her. But I also realized that as long as I didn't let her know what I was thinking or doing, then everything would be fine.

This changed my life completely. You just have to realize that there are limitless possibility of what you can do to satisfy yourself without going so far that you hurt somebody. On the weekends that my daughter stays over at my house I do her laundry and when I'm alone in the washing room I can sniff her panties, lick the crotch area, jerk off on them, then throw them in the wash and everything is fine.

Another thing I discovered is that kids sleep hard. My daughter likes to sleep in my bed because I let her stay up late and watch TV till she falls asleep. When she does fall asleep she's totally knocked out and it's very hard to wake her. Like I said my first concern is with her safety, so I don't touch her, but I can pull up her long night shirt that she sleeps in. She takes a bath right before she gets into bed and she always forgets to bring a new pair of panties into the bathroom with her so she ends up sleeping right next to me almost naked because I pull her shirt up so I can see everything. With the TV on it covers up any sounds she might hear while I jerk off again wishing I could put my tongue all over her instead of just my eyes. Afterward I just have to clean up a bit and I can snuggle up next to her with my arms around her and drift off to sleep.

So my advice to all of you is to try not to get too depressed. Just think of ways you can almost get what you want and not hurt anybody in the process.
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline RageBeoulve

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« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2009, 04:12:42 PM »
I am a very religious person. Well, not religious, but I’d definitely consider my personal faith a vital aspect of my life. I believe without the shadow of a doubt that Jesus Christ has saved me and made me righteous. I have a deep, personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He and I talk frequently. I’ve been trying to get him to stop smoking, so far to no avail. Well, a little. I’ve gotten him to stop smoking except after we make love, which unfortunately for his lungs and fortunately for my blue balls, takes place approximately four times daily. I’ll tell you, Jesus Christ sure packs one hell of a load. I mean, there’s really nothing I love more than feeling his huge dick on my face, flicking his balls a little with my tongue, feeling his sweet, shapely buttocks spread onto my nose and mouth, feeling the warmth of his cum all over my face. Honestly, when Jesus Christ’s big, round, beautiful cock is just on the tip of my lips, I truly feel his salvation. I truly feel at home when he enters into me. That big, veiny monster in my mouth is all that I love in the world. When he enters into me with his thick cock, when he thrusts soft at first and then progressively harder until finally his warm, divine man-god-juice fills my hole… feeling Jesus Christ fuck my tight little asshole… oh my God. I just realized how hard I am right now. Jesus Christ’s hard, tight little body with those fucking abs of hard rock… they make me as hard as a rock. There’s nothing better than his round, shapely ass. Christ has the best ass of any man alive. It feels so perfect when you hold it in your hand.
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline RageBeoulve

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« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2009, 04:15:36 PM »
Calvin lay there in bed, next to his tiger. His fourteenth birthday was tomorrow. He was getting older, puberty striking at his mind, voice, and body. He kissed Hobbes on the cheek, pulling him closer and thanking him for being his friend. Then it happened. It had been happening often since he was thirteen and he had no control over it. His erection tented his boxers, pressing against his friend's rump. "Stop.." Hobbes mumbled with a growl, pushing him away.

Calvin turned onto his back, pulling his under shorts down and revealing his standing pillar, about five inches. Average, he figured. He shook Hobbes awake. He didn't wake easily and grumbled and growled, but eventually sat up.

"What, Calvin?" He asked angrily, wanting very much to go back to sleep.

"I love you."

"I love you too.." Hobbes said awkwardly. 'What is this about?' He wondered.

"Do you really love me?"

"Yeah, why?" Hobbes sat up further, sleep forgotten.

"I want to mate with you.." Calvin blushed.

"Wait! What?"

"I love you so much, I want to show you how much I love you, how much I appreciate how you've cared for me over the years, and been there for me. Now I want to be there for you." Hobbes looked perplexed, he stared at Calvin, and then at the corner of his eye, there he saw it, Calvin's standing erection, dead toward his face. He knew instantly.

"Oh..." There was a pause, for a moment they did nothing but lay there, Calvin staring hungerly toward Hobbes' beautiful fuzzy face as he in turn looked directly at Calvin's smooth young cock. A feeling stirred inside of Hobbes that he'd never felt before, not even through all of the years they had been friends. He bit his lower lip. "Calvin, I.."

"Please, just kiss me."


"Please, just once. If you don't like it, I'll never bring it up again. Just once, please, for me."

Hobbes was silent, but then slowly replied, "Okay. For you." Calvin's hand reached up behind Hobbes' whiskered, furry neck, and slowly drew their faces closer to each other. His lips parted softly and a soft moaning emanated from them, anticipating the taste of his friends wet tiger mouth to come. Hobbes resisted, but that only made Calvin pull him in harder. Their lips met sideways, mouths open, their labored breaths mixing with each others. Calvin pulled away slightly as they fully contacted with each other.

"Oh, Hobbes. Hobbes..." A wave of sensation filled Hobbes' entire body, every muscle quaked with a shock of pure pleasure, his body melted, his lips quivered as they moved wet and hot against his friend's. With each passing of their tongues, he became more ravenous. More hungry. More like a tiger. He suddenly pulled away, his claws extended, accidentally scratching Calvin across the cheek.

"Oh god, Calvin. I, fuck."

"Just let it come to you, old buddy."

"Fuck, I.. Fuck me."


"I said fuck me. Fuck me now."

"Turn over."

Hobbes immediately and excitedly turned over onto his stomach, his ass facing toward Calvin, the muscles of his tail causing it to lift high in the air, exposing the bright pink, smooth asshole that poked through the fuzz of his tiger-cheeks. He moaned in soft anticipation. He was afraid Calvin's mother might hear. "FUCK ME. PLEASE. PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME WAIT."

Hobbes was nearly crying, as Calvin's hesitation was like a thousand stabs to his heart. He felt like his world was tearing apart, lest his old childhood friend fucked him in the ass, right then and there. "Sure thing, buddy." Calvin grasped the base of his cock, touching the top to the base of Hobbes' bright pink asshole. From the depths of Hobbes' throat came a mighty roar like that which had never been witnessed, as Calvin's hard, 13 year old cock slid roughly into the depths of his ass. Calvin's hips began to jerk, he felt the warmth of his friend's insides, he was fucking Hobbes in the ass.

He knew this, but he just couldn't believe it. But he always came back to that warmth, and it shocked him back to the pleasure of his present reality. "OH GOD" Hobbes roared out, his English words were barely intelligible through his native animal tongue. Calvin pumped faster, harder, deeper into his tiger's asshole, feeling the warm, wet suction as it pumped in and out. Hobbes' asshole began to bleed, and it only made Calvin hornier.

"Oh God, oh Jesus. I love you, Hobbes. I love you." "I love you too. Oh God I do." Calvin's thrusting was so frantic, that neither had any room for words after so many minutes. They simply fell into the pleasure, into the depth of the feeling. Two friends, deeply rooted in fun and adventure, in the science of box transmogrify, time travel, Film Noir, it all came rushing to them. Calvin thought back on so many memories he'd had with this dear cherished friend, and came back to the moment at hand, and he realized that all of those beautiful moments finally had a focal point. He finally got what he wanted.

He finally was making love to Hobbes. He continued to thrust, unthinking, until Hobbes turned, stared into his eyes. "Remember the time your house was robbed while you were away on vacation? When I was in the house? Oh god, I was so scared. I thought I would never see you again. I wanted to tell you so many things. That night, god, I wanted you to make love to me. I thought I would never have you again. Please come. Come in me like I always wanted you to that night. COME IN ME!"

Calvin's penis contracted in 5 spasms that shook the very depths of Hobbes' small, tight ass. He filled Hobbes to his stomach with his loving cum. He filled his ass. And he filled both of their hearts.



They screamed to the heavens, these two, best friends, becoming one. But they were cut short by a sudden noise. Calvin's mother came rushing into his room, her robe barely tied, her feet tripping up over themselves as she clumsily made her way to him in the dark. She flicked on the light. There, she saw her son, completely naked, hands gripped tightly over the waist of a stuffed tiger, his penis half way inside of a hole torn out of the stuffing of its backside. The stuffing from Hobbes' insides littered the sheets and the lower part of Calvin's body. "Are you, oh my god." The next morning, Calvin's mother told his father what had happened, after recovering from the shock, and Calvin's father spent the day beating the shit out of him, Calvin was broken almost to the very edge of his life. And when it was over, and Calvin was able to recover and see out of one eye, he made Calvin watch him as he shoved his stuffed tiger, Hobbes, his best friend in the whole world, the love of his life, into a wood chipper. Calvin cried, but his dad just backhanded him and told him to go finish his homework. The next day, Calvin's parents scheduled him to permanently see a psychiatrist. 3 years later, Calvin shot himself in the face.
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline RageBeoulve

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« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2009, 04:16:32 PM »
I just killed my entire family and I'm rather worried. What am I gonna do? I'm still covered in their blood and their bodies are only a few feet away and are starting to smell. The knife I used is completely coated in blood.

My family had been pissing me off recently to no end. My little 6-year old twin brothers keep messing with my stuff and breaking things more often than not. My 13-year old sister stole over $50 from my wallet to buy candy and other things, which I have no idea what. My mother has been nagging me about school, why I dumped my grandmother, and when I'll be moving out. My dad hasn't been doing anything recently. Hell, he hasn't been around for months! Tonight I hit my breaking point.

I came home an hour ago to find my room a complete mess with my brothers sitting there playing with the remnants of my charred CD collection, which was my only escape from my stress as of recently. After I yelled at them and threw them out of my room, I checked my bed to see if anyone had found my college savings so I could finally leave the house. IT WAS ALL GONE!!!

There wasn't too much, only about $2,000, enough to rent an apartment for a few months. However, most importantly, I hid my bank bonds there that I received from my uncle who had died a few years ago from cancer worth over $6,000. My Uncle and I were very close. Hell, I'm named after him! I spent a lot of my childhood in his presence, and we had more in common than I did with any other member of my family. He was the only relative I was ever close with.

I then proceeded to run around the house yelling that somebody had taken my hidden stash. My mother had left the kitchen to yell at me about making too much noise and having a stash. I explained to her what occured and she answered by saying it was my own fault my money was stolen because I was IRRESPONSIBLE WITH IT! I just looked at her in disbelief for a few seconds before I left her presence to seek out my father.

My father had been without work for the past seven months because he had been fired from his office after he was found to of had a sex with a coworker in the office during work hours! It turns out he had been seeing another woman for the past three years behind our backs. My mother took this revalation in horror and my parent's relationship hasn't been the same since.

Nowadays my father spends his time in a separate room from my mother and is almost never home during the day. I knocked on his door and entered a moment later. I found him staring blankly up at the ceiling barely aware of what was happening around him. I asked if he had seen anybody in my room recently, which I knew my brothers had been earlier, and he answers no. Of course!

I yell at him about being a lousy waste of human space and how much of a disappointment he is, and what does he do? HE SAYS THAT'S NICE AND TURNS AWAY FROM ME!!!

After that I storm away from the room intent on finding my sister to ask if she had seen my savings. When I reach her room, I barge in and loudly ask if she had seen my stash. Then the shock wears in. She's sitting there with a bunch of new cloths and was talking to her friend on the phone about where she could spend some savings bonds she had received and purchase cloths with.

I'm not entirely sure what happened afterwards, because all I remember was seeing white and then crimson from the blood of my sister on my hands. I freaked out and took in my surroundings. I was in the kitchen and it was about 9 pm. To my right lay my mother covered in stab wounds in her back. My little brothers were also dead lying towards the other end of the kitchen in their own piles of blood. My father was barely breathing with a large amount of blood leaking from his head. He looked at me with these fear-filled, betrayed eyes right before the life left them. At that time I shrieked exceptionally loud and ran here to the computer.

I'm really scared right now and I don't know what to do. Our family only has one car and it was totaled by my dad in an accident a few weeks ago. Somebody has just knocked on my door and I'm sure it's my next door neighbor. He'll probably be asking what the screams were about and I'm sure he'll be coming in any minute. Luckily I'm on the third floor and on the other side of the house so I have time to think out an escape plan.

Unfortunately, he's rather big and could kick my ass if he wanted. If he finds out what I did he'll kill me. What should I do, /b/, what should I do?!?!?!?!?!?!
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline RageBeoulve

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« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2009, 04:26:40 PM »
Allright, /b/, it's time to get something off my chest in the one place I won't be held accountable in any way, shape or form. half the people reading won't beleive it, and the other half couldn't do anything about it if they wanted to (which they don't), so I'm safe here in the legions.

When I was in junior high, I had a reputation for being a serious goody-goody. I didn't have many friends, except for the other goody-goodies, and even though I wasn't religious I spent most of my time with the religious clubs just because they didn't care that I wasn't interested in drinking and doing drugs and related shit. Anyone who was even remotely 'cool' generally hated my guts, and I spent most of my time reading or playing games at home, alone (my mom worked evenings, and dad lived in a different state). Because I had a reputation for being such a good quiet kid, our neighbor asked if I would start babysitting her daughter after school. She didn't get home until late, and didn't like 'becky' being alone. I didn't want to, because it would cut into my emo loser time, but my mom didn't really give me a choice, and at least it was a little extra cash ($3 a day). Before I go any further, I'm not setting up a trap here, I'll say it straight. This is about sex and yes I'm a horrible person.

The girl was only 7 years old. She wasn't retarded, but she was very, very, very dim. As in "just smart enough not to be in special ed but is still eating her notebook one page at a time" kind of dim. From what I knew, she didn't really have any friends outside of school, and with good reason. All kids are kind of air-headed and bizarre, but it was hard to put up with her stupidity. She couldn't suceed at anything, I can't remember her ever doing anything right. She tripped and fumbled and couldn't play the simplest fucking games and could barely add two numbers let alone subtract, ect, ect.

Anyway, after two months of putting up with that shit, I pretty much ignored her. I was obligated to make sure she ate something and didn't hurt herself, and that's all I did. When she was busy with something, I'd head to the bathroom or my bedroom to explore that new fangled 'masturbation' thing I'd discovered. I liked it better when she wasn't there, because I could masturbate at the computer (lawl 28 k dialup porn), but when you first figure out how to bust one, you're pretty much orgasming from undoing your zipper, you don't need porn. Well one day, seems like out of the blue, Becky starts to cry. And I mean real, child-like, sobbing, 'can't breath' cry. Despite being sick of putting up with her crap, I didn't hate the little ditz, I just didn't want to spend my afternoons making sure she puts her left shoe on her left foot. So I tried to comfort her, asked her what's wrong. She asks me, broken through her crying, why no one likes her and why she can't do anything right. My heart's breaking, because, well, shit, what can I say to the little moron? She CAN'T do anything right :-\. I'm hugging her and rocking her and all that, but I'm at a loss for what to say. She goes on, choke, sob, sob, she's never going to get married because no one will ever like her enough. I finally manage to say what seemed like the intelligent reply. "Boys don't like girls because they're smart, they like girls because of kissing and stuff like that". She did start crying a little less at that, but she said something about not knowing how to kiss.

And here's why I'm a horrible person. I'm holding this crying loli, afraid she'll never get anyone to ever love her, convinced she's utterly worthless. And my dick gets rock hard. And the only thought going through my brain, over and over, is "I can get away with this". I know, I suck, beleive me I know. I've got a rock in my stomach from remembering it, and I know there's a special place in hell for guys like me. But my dick is rock hard just remembering it, and it's in charge most of the time. Sucks to be me I guess.

I'm not going to get into explicit details, because you can find those on any spank-story site around. But from that point on, my relationship with 'becky' was about sex, compeltely and utterly. I convinced her that I could show her how to do the stuff she needs to be good at to make a boy marry her someday, and convinced her that it was a huge huge secret only between me and her, and that she could never tell anyone, ever. I started with as much restraint as I could possibly muster, basically playing doctor. Touching each other, kissing, making out. She seemed to like everything we did, not so much because it was good, but because it was attention (and friendly attention). I progressed to fingering her, and fingering her pooper, oral sex (eating her... I tried to do a good job from what I learned online) and having her blow me. Tragically, she actually wound up really good at what we did. You don't have to be a mastermind to suck cock, and because she was so eager to pelase/lonely/generally dimwitted, she did absolutely anything I suggested. She always swallowed, unless I wanted to cum on her (and I usually fed her the cum anyway if I did), and she never told anyone.

With the horrible horrible knowledge available online, and the sheer perversity of a teenager with a sentient sex toy, things got more and more kinky. Interestingly, she never once put up a fuss or objected or resisted in any way. I was showing her how to make a husband happy, spending time with her, and she just went along with it with a smile and a general air-headed friendliness. She sucked on my feet, eventually I moved on to having her rim me and rimming her back. I did fuck her frmo time to time, even though that hurt her a little she still went along with it, and I always used lube and was gentle. Yeah, I stuck it in her pooper too, don't worry /b/. Basically, I spent all that time raising her to be an utter whore. Things followed a fairly consistent pattern for a solid 5 years. I watched her when there was no one else to, made a little cash, and used the hell out of her in any way I wanted to, constantly. Even when I wasn't doing something specific, she was usually in various stages of dress or undress, or doing something 'arousing' or sexual, playing with herself because I wanted her too, wearing phallic shaped objects inside of her.

This came to a sudden, and screeching halt when she turned 12 (and I was 17). She'd never told a single soul about what we did together, but when she started going through puberty, learning more about sex, and specifically about sexual predators, something in her brain clicked and she realized I was the bad guy. From then on, she absolutely hated my guts, with a passion. Amazingly, she never told anyone, or at least never told anyone of consequence, or never told anyone in a way that affected me. She just avoided me and told me she wished I would die, ect. It sucked, I lost my sex toy and made an enemy, but it could have been a lot worse for everything I did. But that's not the end of the story, not by a long shot.

I didn't see her for 4 years, except in passing (which always included a dirty look and hateful glare). In that time, she tried to kill herself twice, went 'goth', and started hanging around with the faggy vampire kids who aren't interesting enough to be choosy about their friends. black clothes = you're okay. The four years were basically uneventful for me. I was in a pretty intense state of paranoia at the start, livnig every day as if I were going to end it in a prison cell when she decided to bring the hammer down, but the paranoia died the longer time went by. I graduated highschool, ddidn't go to college out of apathy, got a somewhat decent but not fullfilling job, and was just another person out there with all the other people. By that time I had a few friends, and would occasionally go out drinking with them, finally loosened up and started acting generally normal. Well, when I was 21, I was at a halloween party, doing the whole 'being drunk automatically means a good time' thing. And I see her. The party was fairly big, so I shouldn't have been surprised to find out that some of the people there were underaged. I had a somewhat akward night, my paranoia renewed by the close proximity. I mean really. If she'd pointed at me and said "THAT GUY MOLESTED ME WHEN I WAS 7", it would have turned into an ugly fucking night for me. Thankfully, she avoided me just like I avoided her, and around 2 am, with the party petering out a little, I started to head out.

Annnnd there she was /b/. On the curb, tiny little vampire girl, crying her eyes out. Her ride had ditched her, prettyt consistent behavior, as her group of friends were really only 'friends' because she kept following them the best she could (I found this out talking to her later). It was just like that day when she was 7, and I was trying to console her while she was crying. I wanted to be somewhere else, but I didn't want to see her suffer. So i approached, really really timidly, and offered to help if she needed anything. She almost flipped out, but she wound up just sinking back into her crying. She said she needed a ride home, I offered one, she said she'd rather slit her wrists and bleed to death in the gutter. I didn't saying anything. I just went and sat in my car. After a few minutes, she got up and got in the passenger side, still crying.

She was the first one to break the silence, telling me that she didn't hate me. She kept repeating "I just don't know what to do". I didn't ask, I just tried to make comforting noises and generally tried to soothe whatever she was going through. She went on about how no one liked her, everyone treated her like crap, she was useless, she couldn't do anything right, she gave sex to everyone but no one liked her for it, they just told her she was a slut and treated her like one. I wish I could say that listening to her didn't make my dick hard. I wish I could say that listening to this poor girl suffer through a lifetime of emotional, sexual, and social abuse made me empathize and feel pity for her, but I'd be lying. Her pain turned me on. It always had. I don't know why /b/, I've never been like that with anyone or anything else. I don't like the really mean-spirited porn, I don't fantasize about abusing other girls, I'm otherwise normal. but this girl being treated bad made my prick start leaking like a faucet. I really don't know why, and yes I know how awful that is :-\.

After driving for a while, we pulled up in the alley behind her house. I had moved out and gotten an apartment, but obviously I knew where she lived. We sat there in the quiet dark for a while, and I turned to her and put my hand on her shoulder. She was still crying a little. Then she reached down, unzipped my pants, and started blowing me. Just like that. Because she WAS a slut.

Because I'd raised her to be one.

We never officially talked about it, and I never asked her out or anything, but from that point on, she's been my girlfriend. She dropped out of highschool and moved in with me the next year, when she was 17. We have an extremly emotionally unhealthy relationship. She isn't going to get any education, and I don't want her to. Deep down, I want her to stay useless. She works as a checker at a grocery store, and spends the rest of her time as my fucktoy. The sick part is, she's happier and more content than she ever has been, simply because she has a place to be and someone who wants her for something. We don't have a very normal sex life. Most of what we do would be considered abusive, even though she goes along with it. I share her with my friends a lot, she spends most of her time with something sexual going on. Even when she goes to work I usually put something in her pussy, just because I feel like it. And it's getting worse. I keep wanting to find more degrading and abusive things to do to her. After a while, I started putting her in the bathtub and pissing on her. A while after that, I made her start drinking it. I've been leaving beastiality porn easy to find on our computer. We haven't talked about it, but I know she's seen it. Even still, she says she'll do anything I want her to.

/b/, I don't even LIKE beatiality. It doesn't turn me on. I just want her to fuck a dog because I want her to feel worthless and used. That's how deep this runs in me. No one, in either of our families, knows how depraved and horrible our relationship is. They assume we're normal, and around them, we act normal.

Here's the real kicker though /b/. When I lay in bed at night, staring at the ceiling, unable to sleep while she's curled up against my chest and snoozing gently, I feel horrible for it all. I don't want to be like this. I want to scoop her up and wash away every bad thing that's ever happened to her, and treat her like a good sweet girl, and make her know that I love her. I want to stop all of this. i want to be good.

But even when I'm laying there, quietly crying so I don't wake her up, wishing I could love her like everyone else doesn't, I think about doing bad things to her, think about her crying and feeling horrible, and my dick still stands at attention. her suffering turns me on. It has from the first day, and it always will.
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

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« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2009, 09:52:04 AM »

wat?  :-\

Offline RageBeoulve

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« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2009, 09:55:41 AM »
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

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« Reply #14 on: June 21, 2009, 10:07:38 AM »

 ;D  I am (mis)quoting you in my sig.