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Mr. Almighty-free-speech-Moomintroll...
--- Quote from: SovaNu on June 14, 2009, 03:50:27 PM ---
--- Quote from: Mała Mi on June 14, 2009, 01:24:01 PM ---
--- Quote from: TheoK on June 14, 2009, 01:15:41 PM ---That's Mårran. She's B R A V E! :P
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In Poland she was called Buka :laugh:
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i always thought it was a he, in finnish there's no gender pronouns.
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Mårran is always a she in Sweden.
--- Quote from: DirtDawg on June 14, 2009, 02:38:42 PM ---
--- Quote from: SovaNu on June 14, 2009, 01:05:19 PM ---oh please Cal didn't fuck anything up :P
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Well, that is debatable.
Making a peaceful place into something all about your own party is a little disturbing to those who care NOT for your party.
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you don't know Cal. and you don't know his parties.
--- Quote from: SovaNu on June 14, 2009, 03:52:33 PM ---
--- Quote from: DirtDawg on June 14, 2009, 02:38:42 PM ---
--- Quote from: SovaNu on June 14, 2009, 01:05:19 PM ---oh please Cal didn't fuck anything up :P
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Well, that is debatable.
Making a peaceful place into something all about your own party is a little disturbing to those who care NOT for your party.
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you don't know Cal. and you don't know his parties.
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How the fuck can you say that?
I knew him well before you did. Arguing a lot does not mean we don't know each other or care about each other, dummy!
The reason I have stayed away from him is out of respect and that he asked me to, out of pain. But go ask if him if hates me. Yes, there are rough aspects to our relationship and he knows I love him, but you don't know near as much as you think you do, kiddo.
I have kept a copy of all our corespondence, but I will only say that you don't know.
Fucking moomins, with their lack of arseholes and generally tasting like mashmallows.
--- Quote from: Pyraxis on June 14, 2009, 01:59:30 PM ---
--- Quote from: odeon on June 14, 2009, 12:46:17 PM ---Selective memory much, Pyraxis? We're pretty much in the same situation as we were right in the beginning. Only the admins could fuck with the word filters and the admins were not elected. There was talk of a World Council but it never worked out. Later on, we tried again but Cal fucked it all up.
As for the word filters in effect right now: it was suggested to me and I complied. It's not possible to do them on a per account basis so everyone gets to enjoy them.
As far as pranks go, this one is pretty harmless, IMO. It's a fucking message board.
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Huh? Aren't we pretty much agreeing here, that it's a harmless prank and a fucking message board?
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Ah, sorry. I think I misread you. I thought you didn't agree with my little prank. :asthing:
--- Quote ---I was thinking of the period where pranks were common and admins were getting switched out all the time. I think it was by vote, but I don't remember the exact system. We're not doing that any more as far as I know - it's been Parts, Callaway and Renaeden for ages. And there would have to be a pretty big stir to get voting started again, since a few people have suggested it since then and the suggestion hasn't taken. Lit likely couldn't get a similar prank made on his behalf any more than he could get the stars he wanted in the news box. It's a popularity thing.
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No, in this case it's not. The newsbox is not about him per se, hence no stars. It's not about popularity, Pyraxis,
But re elections and such: I think the kind of democracy we tried is too big of a pain to me as a webmonkey. I simply want this place to have good, knowledgeable admins that serve the interests of the members, and as transparently as possible. They shouldn't really be the source of the drama if you get my meaning.
Obviously this latest word filter thing tells a slightly different story, but I take all the responsibility for that one, and essentially I'm not going to allow a situation where admins create more drama than the members. Several admins in the past went as far as taking this site down and others made it their mission in life to create as much fuss as possible, and I don't want to go there again.
Life's just too short.
--- Quote ---I didn't say anything about whether we were in the same situation as the beginning. I said a long time ago everybody and their brother used to do word filter pranks.
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My mistake. :)
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