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Mr. Almighty-free-speech-Moomintroll...

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--- Quote from: TheoK on June 14, 2009, 03:15:35 PM ---I was very popular once!  8)

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Yes, you were.

Even though I liked you back in those days, I did not vote for you. I had a sense that you were showing signs of becoming unstable around that time. I had known you for a while back then, Tig, and I still felt that there was hope for you, even invited you to my town, and I was going to be right there for you. However, voting you into an office of any sort would have been the worst thing for you. I had no problem seeing this and mentioned it twice. This board was pretty much run by McJ and P back then. There were others who were just watching to see what would go wrong next.

As popular as you were, how many friends did you have back then, besides me?

I had Scrap and zer0 and shima.  8)


--- Quote from: TheoK on June 14, 2009, 03:25:41 PM ---I had Scrap and zer0 and shima.  8)

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I liked Scr'eap once, too, before he showed us all how dishonest he was, then bragged about it.

Don't know Zer0, seems smart, judging him by his sense of humor.

I think I would still be friends with Shima, if I ever was. I have lost touch with her.

I am still somewhat in touch with you, pal, for what that's worth.


After thinking about it for a moment, Tig, except for a short list like yours of "old friends" on the net, who were mainly in music and pro-audio, you are (by more than half a year) my oldest net 'friend."   

Funny how far we've come, eh?

You know who I miss, though?   Donkey.  He was fucking hilarious!


--- Quote from: Mała Mi on June 14, 2009, 01:24:01 PM ---
--- Quote from: TheoK on June 14, 2009, 01:15:41 PM ---That's Mårran. She's B R A V E! :P

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In Poland she was called Buka  :laugh:

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i always thought it was a he, in finnish there's no gender pronouns.


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