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Mr. Almighty-free-speech-Moomintroll...

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me too
but he has some magical quality... prolly a symbol for aspieism

That's Mårran. She's B R A V E! :P


--- Quote from: TheoK on June 14, 2009, 01:15:41 PM ---That's Mårran. She's B R A V E! :P

--- End quote ---

In Poland she was called Buka  :laugh:


--- Quote from: odeon on June 14, 2009, 12:46:17 PM ---Selective memory much, Pyraxis? We're pretty much in the same situation as we were right in the beginning. Only the admins could fuck with the word filters and the admins were not elected. There was talk of a World Council but it never worked out. Later on, we tried again but Cal fucked it all up.

As for the word filters in effect right now: it was suggested to me and I complied. It's not possible to do them on a per account basis so everyone gets to enjoy them.

As far as pranks go, this one is pretty harmless, IMO. It's a fucking message board.
--- End quote ---

Huh? Aren't we pretty much agreeing here, that it's a harmless prank and a fucking message board?

I was thinking of the period where pranks were common and admins were getting switched out all the time. I think it was by vote, but I don't remember the exact system. We're not doing that any more as far as I know - it's been Parts, Callaway and Renaeden for ages. And there would have to be a pretty big stir to get voting started again, since a few people have suggested it since then and the suggestion hasn't taken. Lit likely couldn't get a similar prank made on his behalf any more than he could get the stars he wanted in the news box. It's a popularity thing.

I didn't say anything about whether we were in the same situation as the beginning. I said a long time ago everybody and their brother used to do word filter pranks.

I couldn't? Have you forgotten that I once was one of the admins here - elected!


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