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Mr. Almighty-free-speech-Moomintroll...

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That's you Lit  :zoinks:



--- Quote from: Pyraxis on June 14, 2009, 09:31:29 AM --- ::) at everybody.

Yeah, a long time ago, everybody and their brother used to do word filter pranks here. Yeah, technically, it's wrong for Odeon to do it now because he and the admins are the only ones who can. But surely there are more important things in the world to get drama over than the stupid childish spats between Odeon and Lit.

--- End quote ---

Selective memory much, Pyraxis? We're pretty much in the same situation as we were right in the beginning. Only the admins could fuck with the word filters and the admins were not elected. There was talk of a World Council but it never worked out. Later on, we tried again but Cal fucked it all up.

As for the word filters in effect right now: it was suggested to me and I complied. It's not possible to do them on a per account basis so everyone gets to enjoy them.

As far as pranks go, this one is pretty harmless, IMO. It's a fucking message board.

It's the virtual Moomin house. :smarty:

Yet you can't be without it. :smarty:


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