
Author Topic: Ahayes  (Read 16132 times)

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Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #60 on: June 18, 2009, 09:16:44 AM »
Please, Like this Cho fucker was an angel too. Some little angel that went to school and all these horrible well of rich kids decided to tease him because they had nothing better to do 'cept show off how rich and snooty they were.
I can tell you that the bullying goes way, way beyond teasing at these sorts of places. Nor do you know how painful it is to watch these people succeed. Basically you are surrounded by people who think and behave little better than neo-nazis dressed in suits. A few of them will become the next Rumsfeld and Cheney. Honestly, you cannot judge those kinds of places until you have been to one.
Plus like you are an angel and don't do think to shit or annoy people.
I am fair in how I treat people, if not always nice.
No one is innocent and no one deserves to be shot up like that (in all seriousness).

I bet we've all been the subject of teasing yet teased someone else ourselves in the same fucking day cos we are all autistic spazes. My fucking kids do the same thing and try to get away with it.

So stop being childish and have a grown up thought for a change.
Some people are far less innocent than others - these people would happily sell arms to fuel conflicts in Africa (as one of many, many examples), or more to the point their daddies are doing just that. Its the younger version of the Tory estabilishment basically, a little finishing school for them.

Those feelings are just your own low self esteem kicking in. You can either learn to get over it and succeed despite these asshole or you can wuss out and drop out, shoot up the place and look like a dick.
I never said that I was going to shoot up the place or do anything like that. But I do have a plan to cause some mass disruption, by way of protest. It should give us all a platform of sorts, if I can pull it off.
The thing is though, as autisic/aspie spazes, we have no idea if we are teasing or putting someone down because we have social blindness. So none of can say we definitely don't do anything to put others down unless we live in a shack in the middle of no where or something. Saying you don't do anything to put down other just makes you sound like arrogant. And you sounding arrogant is hurting my feelings, there you go.
I never said that - all I said was that I treated people fairly. When they stop making ridiculous unwarranted assumptions about me and other comrades, I might be nicer in return. Though most of my fellow students don't deserve to be here in the first place, having bought their places.

You didn't address anything I said. Thanks for saying.

You don't have to actually shoot up a place, you could have just understood what I was talking about. Obviously shooting up the place is a form of protest that crazy people use.
Understand what you are talking about? - I think I made very clear that its not to do with low self esteem and you refuse to even to try and see things from another perspective. It is to do with the fact that I know I will be miserable if I spend my whole life playing a game that I don't believe in and have been forced into, rather than putting my energies into succeeding, I would rather change the game for others. I am far from unemployable or anything like on those lines.
Plus if you are a social retard and have no idea if you are oppressing someone else with your spazy action, you can't really say that you treat people fairly. Plus your idea of fairness might be warped.
Put it this way - I know that I am not going out of my way to oppress people, engaging in group think or shooting bright people down for having original ideas. If those behaviours were removed to a reasonable extent, society would be a lot better place for everyone.

Nor am I a social retard per se, I have learned to hide my AS. Not that I enjoy doing so, nor should I have to do a large extent. If we were a culture, a religion or another socially santified lifestyle choice, the UK government would be bending over backwards to accommodate us, rather than allowing society to continuously oppress us all.
And why not lead by example? If those others have no idea what impact they are having on you, all they are going to see is you not acting nice towards them and they are going to react to that. Way to go with the vicious circle. Do you use your brain for anything else except making sure your head doesn't cave in?
Unfortunately in my social environment, the only way to really be a success is to backstab as many people as possible. You think I should join in and lose my integrity?

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #61 on: June 18, 2009, 09:19:42 AM »

Not that I am going to encourage something like this myself - there are better places to shoot up than a university campus quite frankly and I value my own hide too much.
No - but nor do I see you committing suicide. My point is more that if anyone of us has to go, we should not do it quietly - peace for the rest of us may well be found by subtraction.
So you are a coward who wants others to do the heavy lifting for you. 
Not at all - there are things I have done for the cause. For the record, if I was on my way out, I would not being doing it quietly. Is that an unreasonable pledge to ask of fellow comrades?

Not something we can call you on if you fail to fall through. Plus we will be waiting a long time if you live a normal life expectancy. So it's really a bullshit statement. Who knows, you could have all the intention but realise you are shit scared when the time comes.
Put it this way - I have done more brave things than you have done. Its not like I was nearly drinking myself to death, despite being a father to several children. How dare you give me a lecture on bravery.

So what? Welcome to the real world where no one is perfect. I'm a real person that makes mistakes and shitty choices, at least I admit to them. I'm not a self deluded idealist with a superiority complex who thinks he's better than other people who succeed over him just because they hurt your poor little feelings.

Heh, a spaz who thinks his shit doesn't stink. Go have a circle jerk with your sycophantic buddies over this post.  :green:
You are not a baby - you knew what you were doing when you made those bad choices. Admitting to them does not absolve you in the slightest. As for the rest of your post - neither am I. But I do support a big change being made in society.

Offline Phlexor

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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #62 on: June 18, 2009, 09:35:34 AM »
Please, Like this Cho fucker was an angel too. Some little angel that went to school and all these horrible well of rich kids decided to tease him because they had nothing better to do 'cept show off how rich and snooty they were.
I can tell you that the bullying goes way, way beyond teasing at these sorts of places. Nor do you know how painful it is to watch these people succeed. Basically you are surrounded by people who think and behave little better than neo-nazis dressed in suits. A few of them will become the next Rumsfeld and Cheney. Honestly, you cannot judge those kinds of places until you have been to one.
Plus like you are an angel and don't do think to shit or annoy people.
I am fair in how I treat people, if not always nice.
No one is innocent and no one deserves to be shot up like that (in all seriousness).

I bet we've all been the subject of teasing yet teased someone else ourselves in the same fucking day cos we are all autistic spazes. My fucking kids do the same thing and try to get away with it.

So stop being childish and have a grown up thought for a change.
Some people are far less innocent than others - these people would happily sell arms to fuel conflicts in Africa (as one of many, many examples), or more to the point their daddies are doing just that. Its the younger version of the Tory estabilishment basically, a little finishing school for them.

Those feelings are just your own low self esteem kicking in. You can either learn to get over it and succeed despite these asshole or you can wuss out and drop out, shoot up the place and look like a dick.
I never said that I was going to shoot up the place or do anything like that. But I do have a plan to cause some mass disruption, by way of protest. It should give us all a platform of sorts, if I can pull it off.
The thing is though, as autisic/aspie spazes, we have no idea if we are teasing or putting someone down because we have social blindness. So none of can say we definitely don't do anything to put others down unless we live in a shack in the middle of no where or something. Saying you don't do anything to put down other just makes you sound like arrogant. And you sounding arrogant is hurting my feelings, there you go.
I never said that - all I said was that I treated people fairly. When they stop making ridiculous unwarranted assumptions about me and other comrades, I might be nicer in return. Though most of my fellow students don't deserve to be here in the first place, having bought their places.

You didn't address anything I said. Thanks for saying.

You don't have to actually shoot up a place, you could have just understood what I was talking about. Obviously shooting up the place is a form of protest that crazy people use.
Understand what you are talking about? - I think I made very clear that its not to do with low self esteem and you refuse to even to try and see things from another perspective. It is to do with the fact that I know I will be miserable if I spend my whole life playing a game that I don't believe in and have been forced into, rather than putting my energies into succeeding, I would rather change the game for others. I am far from unemployable or anything like on those lines.
Plus if you are a social retard and have no idea if you are oppressing someone else with your spazy action, you can't really say that you treat people fairly. Plus your idea of fairness might be warped.
Put it this way - I know that I am not going out of my way to oppress people, engaging in group think or shooting bright people down for having original ideas. If those behaviours were removed to a reasonable extent, society would be a lot better place for everyone.

Nor am I a social retard per se, I have learned to hide my AS. Not that I enjoy doing so, nor should I have to do a large extent. If we were a culture, a religion or another socially santified lifestyle choice, the UK government would be bending over backwards to accommodate us, rather than allowing society to continuously oppress us all.
And why not lead by example? If those others have no idea what impact they are having on you, all they are going to see is you not acting nice towards them and they are going to react to that. Way to go with the vicious circle. Do you use your brain for anything else except making sure your head doesn't cave in?
Unfortunately in my social environment, the only way to really be a success is to backstab as many people as possible. You think I should join in and lose my integrity?

You're making things harder for yourself. No one is forcing you to play their game. You want to play their game and beat them using your own set of rules that you think they should be honouring. Except you aren't going to win because you aren't willing to play by their rules.

I mean what is it that you really want? To be able to play the game using rules that you deem fair? To win the game? To beat them? What's wrong with doing your own thing? Why do you have to measure yourself against others. To me that sounds like you are a sheep who want to beat the wolves by just being a sheep.

Perhaps your beef should be with those who let themselves get stepped on, not those who do the stepping.

Offline Phlexor

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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #63 on: June 18, 2009, 09:40:29 AM »

Not that I am going to encourage something like this myself - there are better places to shoot up than a university campus quite frankly and I value my own hide too much.
No - but nor do I see you committing suicide. My point is more that if anyone of us has to go, we should not do it quietly - peace for the rest of us may well be found by subtraction.
So you are a coward who wants others to do the heavy lifting for you. 
Not at all - there are things I have done for the cause. For the record, if I was on my way out, I would not being doing it quietly. Is that an unreasonable pledge to ask of fellow comrades?

Not something we can call you on if you fail to fall through. Plus we will be waiting a long time if you live a normal life expectancy. So it's really a bullshit statement. Who knows, you could have all the intention but realise you are shit scared when the time comes.
Put it this way - I have done more brave things than you have done. Its not like I was nearly drinking myself to death, despite being a father to several children. How dare you give me a lecture on bravery.

So what? Welcome to the real world where no one is perfect. I'm a real person that makes mistakes and shitty choices, at least I admit to them. I'm not a self deluded idealist with a superiority complex who thinks he's better than other people who succeed over him just because they hurt your poor little feelings.

Heh, a spaz who thinks his shit doesn't stink. Go have a circle jerk with your sycophantic buddies over this post.  :green:
You are not a baby - you knew what you were doing when you made those bad choices. Admitting to them does not absolve you in the slightest. As for the rest of your post - neither am I. But I do support a big change being made in society.

Not really correct. The first few drinks, yeah, I knew what I was doing. After that, no. That was the first time that I ever blacked out while drinking. Which is why I haven't drank again and won't. I feel somewhat let down by those around me not stopping me. But I forgive them because they are my friends and family. Plus I'm not actually dead, do no harm done. People do dangerous shit all the time and mostly live.

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #64 on: June 18, 2009, 09:48:47 AM »
Please, Like this Cho fucker was an angel too. Some little angel that went to school and all these horrible well of rich kids decided to tease him because they had nothing better to do 'cept show off how rich and snooty they were.
I can tell you that the bullying goes way, way beyond teasing at these sorts of places. Nor do you know how painful it is to watch these people succeed. Basically you are surrounded by people who think and behave little better than neo-nazis dressed in suits. A few of them will become the next Rumsfeld and Cheney. Honestly, you cannot judge those kinds of places until you have been to one.
Plus like you are an angel and don't do think to shit or annoy people.
I am fair in how I treat people, if not always nice.
No one is innocent and no one deserves to be shot up like that (in all seriousness).

I bet we've all been the subject of teasing yet teased someone else ourselves in the same fucking day cos we are all autistic spazes. My fucking kids do the same thing and try to get away with it.

So stop being childish and have a grown up thought for a change.
Some people are far less innocent than others - these people would happily sell arms to fuel conflicts in Africa (as one of many, many examples), or more to the point their daddies are doing just that. Its the younger version of the Tory estabilishment basically, a little finishing school for them.

Those feelings are just your own low self esteem kicking in. You can either learn to get over it and succeed despite these asshole or you can wuss out and drop out, shoot up the place and look like a dick.
I never said that I was going to shoot up the place or do anything like that. But I do have a plan to cause some mass disruption, by way of protest. It should give us all a platform of sorts, if I can pull it off.
The thing is though, as autisic/aspie spazes, we have no idea if we are teasing or putting someone down because we have social blindness. So none of can say we definitely don't do anything to put others down unless we live in a shack in the middle of no where or something. Saying you don't do anything to put down other just makes you sound like arrogant. And you sounding arrogant is hurting my feelings, there you go.
I never said that - all I said was that I treated people fairly. When they stop making ridiculous unwarranted assumptions about me and other comrades, I might be nicer in return. Though most of my fellow students don't deserve to be here in the first place, having bought their places.

You didn't address anything I said. Thanks for saying.

You don't have to actually shoot up a place, you could have just understood what I was talking about. Obviously shooting up the place is a form of protest that crazy people use.
Understand what you are talking about? - I think I made very clear that its not to do with low self esteem and you refuse to even to try and see things from another perspective. It is to do with the fact that I know I will be miserable if I spend my whole life playing a game that I don't believe in and have been forced into, rather than putting my energies into succeeding, I would rather change the game for others. I am far from unemployable or anything like on those lines.
Plus if you are a social retard and have no idea if you are oppressing someone else with your spazy action, you can't really say that you treat people fairly. Plus your idea of fairness might be warped.
Put it this way - I know that I am not going out of my way to oppress people, engaging in group think or shooting bright people down for having original ideas. If those behaviours were removed to a reasonable extent, society would be a lot better place for everyone.

Nor am I a social retard per se, I have learned to hide my AS. Not that I enjoy doing so, nor should I have to do a large extent. If we were a culture, a religion or another socially santified lifestyle choice, the UK government would be bending over backwards to accommodate us, rather than allowing society to continuously oppress us all.
And why not lead by example? If those others have no idea what impact they are having on you, all they are going to see is you not acting nice towards them and they are going to react to that. Way to go with the vicious circle. Do you use your brain for anything else except making sure your head doesn't cave in?
Unfortunately in my social environment, the only way to really be a success is to backstab as many people as possible. You think I should join in and lose my integrity?

You're making things harder for yourself. No one is forcing you to play their game. You want to play their game and beat them using your own set of rules that you think they should be honouring. Except you aren't going to win because you aren't willing to play by their rules.

I mean what is it that you really want? To be able to play the game using rules that you deem fair? To win the game? To beat them? What's wrong with doing your own thing? Why do you have to measure yourself against others. To me that sounds like you are a sheep who want to beat the wolves by just being a sheep.

Perhaps your beef should be with those who let themselves get stepped on, not those who do the stepping.
Actually all I want is two things, my own freedom and peace. I am forced to live in this society with its rules, there is no opt out clause. I want my Dworkin share of land, material and commodities which I can do what I please with. In other words, I want a fair opt out from society, without prejudice. As would many people. The Jews have been allowed this, after all.

Asides - who have I been attacking here as well. Those who let them get stepped on so bad they want to kill themselves, then do so without a peep. They piss me off a lot too.


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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #65 on: June 18, 2009, 09:49:38 AM »

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #66 on: June 18, 2009, 10:01:09 AM »

Not that I am going to encourage something like this myself - there are better places to shoot up than a university campus quite frankly and I value my own hide too much.
No - but nor do I see you committing suicide. My point is more that if anyone of us has to go, we should not do it quietly - peace for the rest of us may well be found by subtraction.
So you are a coward who wants others to do the heavy lifting for you. 
Not at all - there are things I have done for the cause. For the record, if I was on my way out, I would not being doing it quietly. Is that an unreasonable pledge to ask of fellow comrades?

Not something we can call you on if you fail to fall through. Plus we will be waiting a long time if you live a normal life expectancy. So it's really a bullshit statement. Who knows, you could have all the intention but realise you are shit scared when the time comes.
Put it this way - I have done more brave things than you have done. Its not like I was nearly drinking myself to death, despite being a father to several children. How dare you give me a lecture on bravery.

So what? Welcome to the real world where no one is perfect. I'm a real person that makes mistakes and shitty choices, at least I admit to them. I'm not a self deluded idealist with a superiority complex who thinks he's better than other people who succeed over him just because they hurt your poor little feelings.

Heh, a spaz who thinks his shit doesn't stink. Go have a circle jerk with your sycophantic buddies over this post.  :green:
You are not a baby - you knew what you were doing when you made those bad choices. Admitting to them does not absolve you in the slightest. As for the rest of your post - neither am I. But I do support a big change being made in society.

Not really correct. The first few drinks, yeah, I knew what I was doing. After that, no. That was the first time that I ever blacked out while drinking. Which is why I haven't drank again and won't. I feel somewhat let down by those around me not stopping me. But I forgive them because they are my friends and family. Plus I'm not actually dead, do no harm done. People do dangerous shit all the time and mostly live.
I always seem to be able to stop myself drinking past a certain point - though I have destroyed a few pans over my time here with my attempts to cook something before going to bed.

Offline Phlexor

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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #67 on: June 18, 2009, 11:13:27 AM »

Not that I am going to encourage something like this myself - there are better places to shoot up than a university campus quite frankly and I value my own hide too much.
No - but nor do I see you committing suicide. My point is more that if anyone of us has to go, we should not do it quietly - peace for the rest of us may well be found by subtraction.
So you are a coward who wants others to do the heavy lifting for you. 
Not at all - there are things I have done for the cause. For the record, if I was on my way out, I would not being doing it quietly. Is that an unreasonable pledge to ask of fellow comrades?

Not something we can call you on if you fail to fall through. Plus we will be waiting a long time if you live a normal life expectancy. So it's really a bullshit statement. Who knows, you could have all the intention but realise you are shit scared when the time comes.
Put it this way - I have done more brave things than you have done. Its not like I was nearly drinking myself to death, despite being a father to several children. How dare you give me a lecture on bravery.

So what? Welcome to the real world where no one is perfect. I'm a real person that makes mistakes and shitty choices, at least I admit to them. I'm not a self deluded idealist with a superiority complex who thinks he's better than other people who succeed over him just because they hurt your poor little feelings.

Heh, a spaz who thinks his shit doesn't stink. Go have a circle jerk with your sycophantic buddies over this post.  :green:
You are not a baby - you knew what you were doing when you made those bad choices. Admitting to them does not absolve you in the slightest. As for the rest of your post - neither am I. But I do support a big change being made in society.

Not really correct. The first few drinks, yeah, I knew what I was doing. After that, no. That was the first time that I ever blacked out while drinking. Which is why I haven't drank again and won't. I feel somewhat let down by those around me not stopping me. But I forgive them because they are my friends and family. Plus I'm not actually dead, do no harm done. People do dangerous shit all the time and mostly live.
I always seem to be able to stop myself drinking past a certain point - though I have destroyed a few pans over my time here with my attempts to cook something before going to bed.

Same here. Don't know why that time was different though. Don't know why I blacked out as I've never had that happen before.

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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #68 on: June 18, 2009, 03:15:52 PM »

Not that I am going to encourage something like this myself - there are better places to shoot up than a university campus quite frankly and I value my own hide too much.
No - but nor do I see you committing suicide. My point is more that if anyone of us has to go, we should not do it quietly - peace for the rest of us may well be found by subtraction.
So you are a coward who wants others to do the heavy lifting for you. 
Not at all - there are things I have done for the cause. For the record, if I was on my way out, I would not being doing it quietly. Is that an unreasonable pledge to ask of fellow comrades?

Not something we can call you on if you fail to fall through. Plus we will be waiting a long time if you live a normal life expectancy. So it's really a bullshit statement. Who knows, you could have all the intention but realise you are shit scared when the time comes.
Put it this way - I have done more brave things than you have done. Its not like I was nearly drinking myself to death, despite being a father to several children. How dare you give me a lecture on bravery.

How would you know? And who the fuck are you to judge anyone? You've lived a sheltered life, so far.
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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #69 on: June 18, 2009, 05:00:25 PM »

Not that I am going to encourage something like this myself - there are better places to shoot up than a university campus quite frankly and I value my own hide too much.
No - but nor do I see you committing suicide. My point is more that if anyone of us has to go, we should not do it quietly - peace for the rest of us may well be found by subtraction.
So you are a coward who wants others to do the heavy lifting for you. 
Not at all - there are things I have done for the cause. For the record, if I was on my way out, I would not being doing it quietly. Is that an unreasonable pledge to ask of fellow comrades?

Not something we can call you on if you fail to fall through. Plus we will be waiting a long time if you live a normal life expectancy. So it's really a bullshit statement. Who knows, you could have all the intention but realise you are shit scared when the time comes.
Put it this way - I have done more brave things than you have done. Its not like I was nearly drinking myself to death, despite being a father to several children. How dare you give me a lecture on bravery.

How would you know? And who the fuck are you to judge anyone? You've lived a sheltered life, so far.

I really must agree. I'm 26 going on 50 because of my past chris. But I don't fuss about it very much at all.
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

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Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #70 on: June 19, 2009, 05:05:44 PM »

Not that I am going to encourage something like this myself - there are better places to shoot up than a university campus quite frankly and I value my own hide too much.
No - but nor do I see you committing suicide. My point is more that if anyone of us has to go, we should not do it quietly - peace for the rest of us may well be found by subtraction.
So you are a coward who wants others to do the heavy lifting for you. 
Not at all - there are things I have done for the cause. For the record, if I was on my way out, I would not being doing it quietly. Is that an unreasonable pledge to ask of fellow comrades?

Not something we can call you on if you fail to fall through. Plus we will be waiting a long time if you live a normal life expectancy. So it's really a bullshit statement. Who knows, you could have all the intention but realise you are shit scared when the time comes.
Put it this way - I have done more brave things than you have done. Its not like I was nearly drinking myself to death, despite being a father to several children. How dare you give me a lecture on bravery.

How would you know? And who the fuck are you to judge anyone?
I didn't start the judging here.
You've lived a sheltered life, so far.
Not at all true.

Offline Phlexor

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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #71 on: June 20, 2009, 07:04:43 AM »

Not that I am going to encourage something like this myself - there are better places to shoot up than a university campus quite frankly and I value my own hide too much.
No - but nor do I see you committing suicide. My point is more that if anyone of us has to go, we should not do it quietly - peace for the rest of us may well be found by subtraction.
So you are a coward who wants others to do the heavy lifting for you. 
Not at all - there are things I have done for the cause. For the record, if I was on my way out, I would not being doing it quietly. Is that an unreasonable pledge to ask of fellow comrades?

Not something we can call you on if you fail to fall through. Plus we will be waiting a long time if you live a normal life expectancy. So it's really a bullshit statement. Who knows, you could have all the intention but realise you are shit scared when the time comes.
Put it this way - I have done more brave things than you have done. Its not like I was nearly drinking myself to death, despite being a father to several children. How dare you give me a lecture on bravery.

How would you know? And who the fuck are you to judge anyone?
I didn't start the judging here.
You've lived a sheltered life, so far.
Not at all true.

Then what else entitles you to give advice about parenting without being a parent? Oh that's right, you're a spaz who thinks he knows better than everyone else even if you've had no experience personal in said subjects.

You're a fucking joke  :laugh:

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #72 on: June 20, 2009, 07:14:45 AM »

Not that I am going to encourage something like this myself - there are better places to shoot up than a university campus quite frankly and I value my own hide too much.
No - but nor do I see you committing suicide. My point is more that if anyone of us has to go, we should not do it quietly - peace for the rest of us may well be found by subtraction.
So you are a coward who wants others to do the heavy lifting for you. 
Not at all - there are things I have done for the cause. For the record, if I was on my way out, I would not being doing it quietly. Is that an unreasonable pledge to ask of fellow comrades?

Not something we can call you on if you fail to fall through. Plus we will be waiting a long time if you live a normal life expectancy. So it's really a bullshit statement. Who knows, you could have all the intention but realise you are shit scared when the time comes.
Put it this way - I have done more brave things than you have done. Its not like I was nearly drinking myself to death, despite being a father to several children. How dare you give me a lecture on bravery.

How would you know? And who the fuck are you to judge anyone?
I didn't start the judging here.
You've lived a sheltered life, so far.
Not at all true.

Then what else entitles you to give advice about parenting without being a parent? Oh that's right, you're a spaz who thinks he knows better than everyone else even if you've had no experience personal in said subjects.

You're a fucking joke  :laugh:
As someone who has parents - I kind of know I would not be happy if one of my parents decided to drink him/herself to death. Common sense really.

Offline Phlexor

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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #73 on: June 20, 2009, 08:16:05 AM »

Not that I am going to encourage something like this myself - there are better places to shoot up than a university campus quite frankly and I value my own hide too much.
No - but nor do I see you committing suicide. My point is more that if anyone of us has to go, we should not do it quietly - peace for the rest of us may well be found by subtraction.
So you are a coward who wants others to do the heavy lifting for you. 
Not at all - there are things I have done for the cause. For the record, if I was on my way out, I would not being doing it quietly. Is that an unreasonable pledge to ask of fellow comrades?

Not something we can call you on if you fail to fall through. Plus we will be waiting a long time if you live a normal life expectancy. So it's really a bullshit statement. Who knows, you could have all the intention but realise you are shit scared when the time comes.
Put it this way - I have done more brave things than you have done. Its not like I was nearly drinking myself to death, despite being a father to several children. How dare you give me a lecture on bravery.

How would you know? And who the fuck are you to judge anyone?
I didn't start the judging here.
You've lived a sheltered life, so far.
Not at all true.

Then what else entitles you to give advice about parenting without being a parent? Oh that's right, you're a spaz who thinks he knows better than everyone else even if you've had no experience personal in said subjects.

You're a fucking joke  :laugh:
As someone who has parents - I kind of know I would not be happy if one of my parents decided to drink him/herself to death. Common sense really.

Yeah, when or if you become a parent, you'll know how full of shit that statement is.

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #74 on: June 20, 2009, 08:24:45 AM »

Not that I am going to encourage something like this myself - there are better places to shoot up than a university campus quite frankly and I value my own hide too much.
No - but nor do I see you committing suicide. My point is more that if anyone of us has to go, we should not do it quietly - peace for the rest of us may well be found by subtraction.
So you are a coward who wants others to do the heavy lifting for you. 
Not at all - there are things I have done for the cause. For the record, if I was on my way out, I would not being doing it quietly. Is that an unreasonable pledge to ask of fellow comrades?

Not something we can call you on if you fail to fall through. Plus we will be waiting a long time if you live a normal life expectancy. So it's really a bullshit statement. Who knows, you could have all the intention but realise you are shit scared when the time comes.
Put it this way - I have done more brave things than you have done. Its not like I was nearly drinking myself to death, despite being a father to several children. How dare you give me a lecture on bravery.

How would you know? And who the fuck are you to judge anyone?
I didn't start the judging here.
You've lived a sheltered life, so far.
Not at all true.

Then what else entitles you to give advice about parenting without being a parent? Oh that's right, you're a spaz who thinks he knows better than everyone else even if you've had no experience personal in said subjects.

You're a fucking joke  :laugh:
As someone who has parents - I kind of know I would not be happy if one of my parents decided to drink him/herself to death. Common sense really.

Yeah, when or if you become a parent, you'll know how full of shit that statement is.
So to sum up, when you cannot win an argument you hide behind "I am older than you and therefore better". What a way to go. Nearly as bad as argument by democracy.