Author Topic: Ahayes  (Read 16114 times)

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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #45 on: June 18, 2009, 08:19:47 AM »
No.  The few targeted shootings would spark more shootings in revenge for the previous ones and so on.  By killing, you do not make the world a better place.

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #46 on: June 18, 2009, 08:25:00 AM »
Please, Like this Cho fucker was an angel too. Some little angel that went to school and all these horrible well of rich kids decided to tease him because they had nothing better to do 'cept show off how rich and snooty they were.
I can tell you that the bullying goes way, way beyond teasing at these sorts of places. Nor do you know how painful it is to watch these people succeed. Basically you are surrounded by people who think and behave little better than neo-nazis dressed in suits. A few of them will become the next Rumsfeld and Cheney. Honestly, you cannot judge those kinds of places until you have been to one.
Plus like you are an angel and don't do think to shit or annoy people.
I am fair in how I treat people, if not always nice.
No one is innocent and no one deserves to be shot up like that (in all seriousness).

I bet we've all been the subject of teasing yet teased someone else ourselves in the same fucking day cos we are all autistic spazes. My fucking kids do the same thing and try to get away with it.

So stop being childish and have a grown up thought for a change.
Some people are far less innocent than others - these people would happily sell arms to fuel conflicts in Africa (as one of many, many examples), or more to the point their daddies are doing just that. Its the younger version of the Tory estabilishment basically, a little finishing school for them.


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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #47 on: June 18, 2009, 08:25:44 AM »
No.  The few targeted shootings would spark more shootings in revenge for the previous ones and so on.  By killing, you do not make the world a better place.
A major silver lining to this kind of rant is that neither Hadron or Lit have what it takes to act on their stated beliefs.

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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #48 on: June 18, 2009, 08:41:05 AM »

Not that I am going to encourage something like this myself - there are better places to shoot up than a university campus quite frankly and I value my own hide too much.
No - but nor do I see you committing suicide. My point is more that if anyone of us has to go, we should not do it quietly - peace for the rest of us may well be found by subtraction.
So you are a coward who wants others to do the heavy lifting for you. 
Not at all - there are things I have done for the cause. For the record, if I was on my way out, I would not being doing it quietly. Is that an unreasonable pledge to ask of fellow comrades?

Also, by encouraging such things, we reduce the Aspie suicide rate significantly. Executing an attack cannot be done rashly.
It is disgusting that in all the ceremonies, they only released 32 rather than 33 balloons. I think if this happens again, we should show up and release an extra balloon.
I would like to see you, Lit and whatever other bitter, hateful comrades you can dredge up do that in a very public way w/o hiding your faces or names.

If something like that happens with an aspie in the UK - I will show up and release that balloon. Then talk about it on Newsnight etc afterwards.

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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #49 on: June 18, 2009, 08:41:40 AM »
Well I wouldn't want him to do that but  :hanged: is better than taking out innocents.
If he shot up a few nasty pieces of work in the process, then I would not be disappointed. Not all of those killed on shooting sprees are innocent, you know.

But they don't deserve to die just because some moron loses it.
They should not cause the "moron" to lose it - yes? Its their own fault.

And how do you ever know which one did? I think most of us will agree that these school shooters are not particularly healthy individuals in mind or spirit.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #50 on: June 18, 2009, 08:43:22 AM »
Well I wouldn't want him to do that but  :hanged: is better than taking out innocents.
If he shot up a few nasty pieces of work in the process, then I would not be disappointed. Not all of those killed on shooting sprees are innocent, you know.

But they don't deserve to die just because some moron loses it.
They should not cause the "moron" to lose it - yes? Its their own fault.

And how do you ever know which one did? I think most of us will agree that these school shooters are not particularly healthy individuals in mind or spirit.
I know from my time in such places, if Cho shot purely at random he would get rid of a good few nasty people (perhaps over half). He didn't even shoot at random though, there were targets in mind.

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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #51 on: June 18, 2009, 08:44:41 AM »
No.  The few targeted shootings would spark more shootings in revenge for the previous ones and so on.  By killing, you do not make the world a better place.
Who are they going to target a revenge attack against? No bully is going to give up their own life to go on a spree. Nor would we be foolish enough to make it a purely Aspie scheme, all bullied schoolchildren are doing it as far as they know.

Offline Phlexor

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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #52 on: June 18, 2009, 08:47:25 AM »
Please, Like this Cho fucker was an angel too. Some little angel that went to school and all these horrible well of rich kids decided to tease him because they had nothing better to do 'cept show off how rich and snooty they were.
I can tell you that the bullying goes way, way beyond teasing at these sorts of places. Nor do you know how painful it is to watch these people succeed. Basically you are surrounded by people who think and behave little better than neo-nazis dressed in suits. A few of them will become the next Rumsfeld and Cheney. Honestly, you cannot judge those kinds of places until you have been to one.
Plus like you are an angel and don't do think to shit or annoy people.
I am fair in how I treat people, if not always nice.
No one is innocent and no one deserves to be shot up like that (in all seriousness).

I bet we've all been the subject of teasing yet teased someone else ourselves in the same fucking day cos we are all autistic spazes. My fucking kids do the same thing and try to get away with it.

So stop being childish and have a grown up thought for a change.
Some people are far less innocent than others - these people would happily sell arms to fuel conflicts in Africa (as one of many, many examples), or more to the point their daddies are doing just that. Its the younger version of the Tory estabilishment basically, a little finishing school for them.

Those feelings are just your own low self esteem kicking in. You can either learn to get over it and succeed despite these asshole or you can wuss out and drop out, shoot up the place and look like a dick.

The thing is though, as autisic/aspie spazes, we have no idea if we are teasing or putting someone down because we have social blindness. So none of can say we definitely don't do anything to put others down unless we live in a shack in the middle of no where or something. Saying you don't do anything to put down other just makes you sound like arrogant. And you sounding arrogant is hurting my feelings, there you go.

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #53 on: June 18, 2009, 08:54:00 AM »
Please, Like this Cho fucker was an angel too. Some little angel that went to school and all these horrible well of rich kids decided to tease him because they had nothing better to do 'cept show off how rich and snooty they were.
I can tell you that the bullying goes way, way beyond teasing at these sorts of places. Nor do you know how painful it is to watch these people succeed. Basically you are surrounded by people who think and behave little better than neo-nazis dressed in suits. A few of them will become the next Rumsfeld and Cheney. Honestly, you cannot judge those kinds of places until you have been to one.
Plus like you are an angel and don't do think to shit or annoy people.
I am fair in how I treat people, if not always nice.
No one is innocent and no one deserves to be shot up like that (in all seriousness).

I bet we've all been the subject of teasing yet teased someone else ourselves in the same fucking day cos we are all autistic spazes. My fucking kids do the same thing and try to get away with it.

So stop being childish and have a grown up thought for a change.
Some people are far less innocent than others - these people would happily sell arms to fuel conflicts in Africa (as one of many, many examples), or more to the point their daddies are doing just that. Its the younger version of the Tory estabilishment basically, a little finishing school for them.

Those feelings are just your own low self esteem kicking in. You can either learn to get over it and succeed despite these asshole or you can wuss out and drop out, shoot up the place and look like a dick.
I never said that I was going to shoot up the place or do anything like that. But I do have a plan to cause some mass disruption, by way of protest. It should give us all a platform of sorts, if I can pull it off.
The thing is though, as autisic/aspie spazes, we have no idea if we are teasing or putting someone down because we have social blindness. So none of can say we definitely don't do anything to put others down unless we live in a shack in the middle of no where or something. Saying you don't do anything to put down other just makes you sound like arrogant. And you sounding arrogant is hurting my feelings, there you go.
I never said that - all I said was that I treated people fairly. When they stop making ridiculous unwarranted assumptions about me and other comrades, I might be nicer in return. Though most of my fellow students don't deserve to be here in the first place, having bought their places.


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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #54 on: June 18, 2009, 08:55:11 AM »
No.  The few targeted shootings would spark more shootings in revenge for the previous ones and so on.  By killing, you do not make the world a better place.
Who are they going to target a revenge attack against? No bully is going to give up their own life to go on a spree. Nor would we be foolish enough to make it a purely Aspie scheme, all bullied schoolchildren are doing it as far as they know.


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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #55 on: June 18, 2009, 08:55:34 AM »

Not that I am going to encourage something like this myself - there are better places to shoot up than a university campus quite frankly and I value my own hide too much.
No - but nor do I see you committing suicide. My point is more that if anyone of us has to go, we should not do it quietly - peace for the rest of us may well be found by subtraction.
So you are a coward who wants others to do the heavy lifting for you. 
Not at all - there are things I have done for the cause. For the record, if I was on my way out, I would not being doing it quietly. Is that an unreasonable pledge to ask of fellow comrades?

Not something we can call you on if you fail to fall through. Plus we will be waiting a long time if you live a normal life expectancy. So it's really a bullshit statement. Who knows, you could have all the intention but realise you are shit scared when the time comes.

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #56 on: June 18, 2009, 09:02:27 AM »

Not that I am going to encourage something like this myself - there are better places to shoot up than a university campus quite frankly and I value my own hide too much.
No - but nor do I see you committing suicide. My point is more that if anyone of us has to go, we should not do it quietly - peace for the rest of us may well be found by subtraction.
So you are a coward who wants others to do the heavy lifting for you. 
Not at all - there are things I have done for the cause. For the record, if I was on my way out, I would not being doing it quietly. Is that an unreasonable pledge to ask of fellow comrades?

Not something we can call you on if you fail to fall through. Plus we will be waiting a long time if you live a normal life expectancy. So it's really a bullshit statement. Who knows, you could have all the intention but realise you are shit scared when the time comes.
Put it this way - I have done more brave things than you have done. Its not like I was nearly drinking myself to death, despite being a father to several children. How dare you give me a lecture on bravery.


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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #57 on: June 18, 2009, 09:04:25 AM »

Not that I am going to encourage something like this myself - there are better places to shoot up than a university campus quite frankly and I value my own hide too much.
No - but nor do I see you committing suicide. My point is more that if anyone of us has to go, we should not do it quietly - peace for the rest of us may well be found by subtraction.
So you are a coward who wants others to do the heavy lifting for you. 
Not at all - there are things I have done for the cause. For the record, if I was on my way out, I would not being doing it quietly. Is that an unreasonable pledge to ask of fellow comrades?

Not something we can call you on if you fail to fall through. Plus we will be waiting a long time if you live a normal life expectancy. So it's really a bullshit statement. Who knows, you could have all the intention but realise you are shit scared when the time comes.
Put it this way - I have done more brave things than you have done. Its not like I was nearly drinking myself to death, despite being a father to several children. How dare you give me a lecture on bravery.


Hadron is brave!

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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #58 on: June 18, 2009, 09:05:39 AM »
Please, Like this Cho fucker was an angel too. Some little angel that went to school and all these horrible well of rich kids decided to tease him because they had nothing better to do 'cept show off how rich and snooty they were.
I can tell you that the bullying goes way, way beyond teasing at these sorts of places. Nor do you know how painful it is to watch these people succeed. Basically you are surrounded by people who think and behave little better than neo-nazis dressed in suits. A few of them will become the next Rumsfeld and Cheney. Honestly, you cannot judge those kinds of places until you have been to one.
Plus like you are an angel and don't do think to shit or annoy people.
I am fair in how I treat people, if not always nice.
No one is innocent and no one deserves to be shot up like that (in all seriousness).

I bet we've all been the subject of teasing yet teased someone else ourselves in the same fucking day cos we are all autistic spazes. My fucking kids do the same thing and try to get away with it.

So stop being childish and have a grown up thought for a change.
Some people are far less innocent than others - these people would happily sell arms to fuel conflicts in Africa (as one of many, many examples), or more to the point their daddies are doing just that. Its the younger version of the Tory estabilishment basically, a little finishing school for them.

Those feelings are just your own low self esteem kicking in. You can either learn to get over it and succeed despite these asshole or you can wuss out and drop out, shoot up the place and look like a dick.
I never said that I was going to shoot up the place or do anything like that. But I do have a plan to cause some mass disruption, by way of protest. It should give us all a platform of sorts, if I can pull it off.
The thing is though, as autisic/aspie spazes, we have no idea if we are teasing or putting someone down because we have social blindness. So none of can say we definitely don't do anything to put others down unless we live in a shack in the middle of no where or something. Saying you don't do anything to put down other just makes you sound like arrogant. And you sounding arrogant is hurting my feelings, there you go.
I never said that - all I said was that I treated people fairly. When they stop making ridiculous unwarranted assumptions about me and other comrades, I might be nicer in return. Though most of my fellow students don't deserve to be here in the first place, having bought their places.

You didn't address anything I said. Thanks for saying.

You don't have to actually shoot up a place, you could have just understood what I was talking about. Obviously shooting up the place is a form of protest that crazy people use.

Plus if you are a social retard and have no idea if you are oppressing someone else with your spazy action, you can't really say that you treat people fairly. Plus your idea of fairness might be warped.

And why not lead by example? If those others have no idea what impact they are having on you, all they are going to see is you not acting nice towards them and they are going to react to that. Way to go with the vicious circle. Do you use your brain for anything else except making sure your head doesn't cave in?

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Re: Ahayes
« Reply #59 on: June 18, 2009, 09:10:24 AM »

Not that I am going to encourage something like this myself - there are better places to shoot up than a university campus quite frankly and I value my own hide too much.
No - but nor do I see you committing suicide. My point is more that if anyone of us has to go, we should not do it quietly - peace for the rest of us may well be found by subtraction.
So you are a coward who wants others to do the heavy lifting for you. 
Not at all - there are things I have done for the cause. For the record, if I was on my way out, I would not being doing it quietly. Is that an unreasonable pledge to ask of fellow comrades?

Not something we can call you on if you fail to fall through. Plus we will be waiting a long time if you live a normal life expectancy. So it's really a bullshit statement. Who knows, you could have all the intention but realise you are shit scared when the time comes.
Put it this way - I have done more brave things than you have done. Its not like I was nearly drinking myself to death, despite being a father to several children. How dare you give me a lecture on bravery.

So what? Welcome to the real world where no one is perfect. I'm a real person that makes mistakes and shitty choices, at least I admit to them. I'm not a self deluded idealist with a superiority complex who thinks he's better than other people who succeed over him just because they hurt your poor little feelings.

Heh, a spaz who thinks his shit doesn't stink. Go have a circle jerk with your sycophantic buddies over this post.  :green: