Spamming now? Hey odeon. Requesting ban here.
You really are a pussy.
No, I just don't like morons that come to smear feces all over everthing. I don't know what yoor problem is, buddy. Whether you're just an asshole, or you have delusions of being better than everyone else... you're still just annoying to me.
They ain't delusions kid.
Welcome to Cal's world. 
IF I die, it all goes down with me.
Actually you're not right on the money. Cal is a true narcissist. He won't mind if you disagree with what he says or if you call him a delusional punk, because as they say, any publicity is good publicity. He thrives on attention. Any attention.
Hell, I'd far rather something to play with,
than adoring fans. I get as much of that,
as I can stomach.