Author Topic: Serious question folks. Get in here.  (Read 1915 times)

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Re: Serious question folks. Get in here.
« Reply #15 on: June 12, 2009, 09:13:54 AM »
If you could obtain enough power to right every single wrong in the world, and destroy corruption for all time...

But in doing so, you would give up your soul in order to be tortured in ways more horrifying than you can imagine forever, would you do it?

I would.
You'd be destroying human nature by doing so; the world would become unrecognizable.  Humans cannot be human and perfect at the same time.  If such a thing as a soul exists, it woudln't just be yours you sacrificed- it would be everyone's.

I woudln't.  I don't believe that a truly good act would have the potential to be eternally punished under any type of 'good' supernatural governance.  If there was some sort of diety allowing that, it would be a diety evil enough to twice the loss of human wrong and corrpution into something far worse, anyway.
it is well known that PMS Elle is evil.
I think you'd fit in a 12" or at least a 16" firework mortar
You win this thread because that's most unsettling to even think about.

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: Serious question folks. Get in here.
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2009, 09:21:24 AM »
Hahaha. I'm not saying I can do it. It was just a "what if" question. I don't believe in divine intervention or anything. And yeah I agree with lit. Peace will never be achieved without spilling blood. I'm just saying it would be cool if it could be done. And yeah I would probably do it.  :P
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Re: Serious question folks. Get in here.
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2009, 09:57:22 AM »
I've gone through eye surgery and root canals where the anasteathic didn't work, because the teeth were infected and the tissue was sour. But there's much, much worse physical pain.

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Re: Serious question folks. Get in here.
« Reply #18 on: June 12, 2009, 10:02:38 AM »
No.   I am way too selfish.
:P   Internets are super serious.

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: Serious question folks. Get in here.
« Reply #19 on: June 12, 2009, 11:37:26 AM »
However, if you had the power to destroy every wrong in the world then you could also destroy the wrong being done to you ie. the torture  :zoinks:

I would like to say that I'd do that but I'm a chicken really and if I was being tortured I'd probably own up to every single unsolved crime ever done.

Thats the paradox huh? I couldn't be tortured if no wrong existed anymore. Seems negativity and evil really are a constant of human existence.
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Re: Serious question folks. Get in here.
« Reply #20 on: June 12, 2009, 11:42:51 AM »
That's why humankind deserves to be wiped out.  :zoinks:

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: Serious question folks. Get in here.
« Reply #21 on: June 12, 2009, 11:44:04 AM »
That's why humankind deserves to be wiped out.  :zoinks:

No. Even now, there is still some good in the world. Those people don't deserve it.
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Re: Serious question folks. Get in here.
« Reply #22 on: June 12, 2009, 01:00:51 PM »
That's why humankind deserves to be wiped out.  :zoinks:

No. Even now, there is still some good in the world. Those people don't deserve it.

Like you and I and two others.  :P

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Re: Serious question folks. Get in here.
« Reply #23 on: June 12, 2009, 01:03:38 PM »
Can't be arsed to read replies, so if I repeat something already bad.

What is right and wrong? Just like truth, these are abstract and relative to the one observing them. On principle, I would not consider myself capable of making this determination, nor do I think anybody else could. Don't believe in literal souls and mystical deities, so the whole question becomes moot. I would sacrifice myself to end all pain and suffering to ensure my children had the opportunity to hve a happy existence. Whatever that means.
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Tongue tied and tied to the tongue
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I guess that's just the way it seems

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: Serious question folks. Get in here.
« Reply #24 on: June 12, 2009, 01:54:34 PM »
Can't be arsed to read replies, so if I repeat something already bad.

What is right and wrong? Just like truth, these are abstract and relative to the one observing them. On principle, I would not consider myself capable of making this determination, nor do I think anybody else could. Don't believe in literal souls and mystical deities, so the whole question becomes moot. I would sacrifice myself to end all pain and suffering to ensure my children had the opportunity to hve a happy existence. Whatever that means.

Then you and I have the same veiwpoint trigger.
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Re: Serious question folks. Get in here.
« Reply #25 on: June 12, 2009, 02:52:39 PM »
If you could obtain enough power to right every single wrong in the world, and destroy corruption for all time...

But in doing so, you would give up your soul in order to be tortured in ways more horrifying than you can imagine forever, would you do it?

I would.

No. And yes, I am that selfish.
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Re: Serious question folks. Get in here.
« Reply #26 on: June 12, 2009, 02:53:55 PM »
No, I don't need help. :laugh:  >:D

I am not 100% sure I could, but I find myself a pretty capable person.

Oh, and I am not perfect,  I forgot because I am doing so well. :laugh:
« Last Edit: June 12, 2009, 02:58:27 PM by ALLDAYGLOWRANDY »
famous piligram John Alden is my direct descendent. physically fit!, wanna hit me yet?, warnning, you may have to acutually walk first! Persuasive creates his own luck has ability & drive to succeed   drink "Diet Dr. Maina" :) "62" orgasms at 1 time Fuck you faggot ass! not wishing Metabolic profile ( insulin metabolism etc) is almost perfect with no psychic meds, so go fuck yourself! semiautonomic controll over tear glands ambedexterous


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Re: Serious question folks. Get in here.
« Reply #27 on: June 13, 2009, 04:12:57 AM »
If you could obtain enough power to right every single wrong in the world, and destroy corruption for all time...

But in doing so, you would give up your soul in order to be tortured in ways more horrifying than you can imagine forever, would you do it?

I would.

No. And yes, I am that selfish.

You actually didn't have to tell.

Offline Peter

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Re: Serious question folks. Get in here.
« Reply #28 on: June 13, 2009, 04:33:10 AM »
Lets see; get tortured for eternity in order to create a completely boring and pointless world...  I think I'll give it a miss.  I'd be willing to make some personal sacrifices in order to correct some wrongs, but there's a point where the sacrifice is too great and the correction of wrongs creates a bigger, more pervasive wrongness.
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Re: Serious question folks. Get in here.
« Reply #29 on: June 13, 2009, 06:55:11 AM »
exactly what i was saying petey.
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