Okay, you got me EquiisSavant. Contrary to what I have repeatedly stated on this website I am not really a Doctor.
It took your great powers of perception to realize that I am not a Doctor and that I am a Federal Agent.
I used to be in what was the Mattress Police until we got rolled in with the rest of DHS. We are so secretive that I don't even carry a Badge or collect a check from Uncle Sam.
There is a difference btw stating you are in fact those things or not as a proven evidentiary matter, and making the suggestion you are those things or not to get you to confess. You would not be the first or last witness to confess my autism status and purely First Amendment free speech and/or association has been targeted for harassment by the Bush Administration and some rogues who remained on the fed payroll since then.
But if you don't want to confess, that's what a DOE Bivens action is for -- we get to find out witnesses names if they are material to a particular case, as it is drafted and alleged.
Whether or not you are what I suspect I am likely to find in a discovery process, which makes the idea of outing you rather boring, is irrelevant to the display to everyone you have put on that although you are no savant, you are definitely an "idiot." And that really has captured more of my autistic interest.
What makes you think I even know what sarcasm is/looks like/can identify it, etc ? I cannot even grammatically dissect the most simple elementary sentence -- I would fail 2nd grade grammar tests. Most of the time I can't even tell what is a noun from what is a verb if I see a simply sentence. I can only use language from having learned it from hearing patterns my parents spoke when I was very small -- maybe they were whatever is sarcastic that you say I am doing, and I just picked up their patterns of speaking ? I also learned Arabic this way, since the prof was unable to get us any textbook the first semester for 12 weeks into the class -- so we learned it the way a parent teaches a baby, beginning with pointing and saying sounds-words for objects. I could speak Arabic long before I could write it.
I really don't think you understand my savant autism condition, and the neurology, and this keeps resulting in your projecting from your own much higher level -- seemingly so neurotypical, too I might add -- all sorts of more generalized skills and abilities maybe you have, that are not in fact the highly uneven savant autism splinter skills and abilities in paradox of the severe deficits that defines my condition. If you understood my condition, you would not even have suggested the idea I can recognize sarcasm.
Besides learning language from spoken patterns of my parents at a very young age, the remainder of my language abilities came from what happens when you subject an autistic to the rigors of LAW SCHOOL !!! That still does not mean I have sufficiently high language cognition to recognize or identify sarcasm !!
If my doctor had not dumped/abandoned his rare savant level autistic patient, maybe he would have instead been known for being the brillliant doctor who contributed advanced research to the database of autism of how the language abilities of people with autism can be brought to such high levels as to pass law school and a performance-based bar exam, yet still contain many of the deficits of language inherent in the autism condition.
And I KNOW any English teacher at the level of undergrad English could spot many such of these deficits in my language if they really tested it and looked, because in undergrad college they DID -- like if you tell me to diagram a sentence and instruct me to point out the noun, verb, object, direct object, adverb, etc., I am LOST. I don't recognize/identify sarcasm, irony, metaphor, and many other higher levels of speech or, should I say, writing conventions -- I am LOST. The fact I picked up speech patterns of parents who did understand these things, only means that simple narrow fact, for which you continue to err by attempting (invalidly) to extrapolate it to everything, when that is not how the uneven autism abilities work.
As mentioned, the only relevant characteristic I have seen so far is that which identifies you as a non-savant "idiot," cruel antagonist out to see how many things you can find wrong and not to like about my autism and me because of my condition. Somehow, the word "provocateur" also comes to mind.
Don't you have a little brother you can pick on ?
I have enough autism doctor abandonment problems of my own right now to be your objective for some sadistic bullying game play.
If you don't have a little brother to pick on, why can't you just hold it in, suck it up, be nice, and exhibit some good manners ?