I am new to Intensity. I am an adult savant diagnosed with autism in art and the law. There really isn't much to say. I have a personified autism horse. I am trying to become a lawyer, but the law enforcement establishment in the U.S., Calif. and Florida state bars, and a brigade on the Bench are really freaked out at the idea a mukie savant person with autism ever made it thru law school and wants to *gasp* become one of them, they have gone on a forum-to-forum hopping campaign since fall of 2002 to invade forum and attack me to censor my First Amendment free speech.
The protected speech they most dislike is that I believe people with autism and Aspergers do have the abilities to become lawyers and judges and U.S. Attorneys, and that in the U.S. our goverment refuses to count adults with autism because they don't want to have to provide adults autism services, access to autism medical doctors--especially neurologists and not psychiatrists, and they want us to be the bag boys and linen girls instead of the doctors and lawyers ourselves because there is Autism Apartheid in the U.S. and now that all other civil rights groups have moved up the capitalistic heirarchy, we auties and Aspies are the new slave class. They also don't like it when I ask for an accounting (# count) of the numbers of peopel with autism and Asperger's who are being put in U.S. jails because of this refusal to fund proper adult autism services. In the UK, the adult autism/Aspie count has begun and calls for proper spending levels on adult autism services. The figure differential of how much more the adults with autism costs the governments as compared to the children that are coming out scare the beegeebers out of the law enforcement and the U.S. Attorney. They are under the impression the U.S. government cannot afford to cover adult autism services or allow us to work because of the pitiful U.S. budget prospects and financial debacle the greedy neurotypicals in the U.S. made of our economy.
That's pretty much me.
I am just wondering how long it will take the Tampa U.S. Attorney to come to this forum and launch yet another attack on my First Amendment free speech rights like they did at Wrongplanet, where they went about rejecting me from the forum while they destroyed evidence. I guess tracking the ISP # to the Tampa U.S. Attorney's Office law enforcement under his direction would not have settled too well with his career.
I would like it if, for once, I actually did have unfettered First Amendment free speech rights to say what I think. And, if they stalk me here like they did at WP, the forum hosts will tell them to take a hike and notice a due process court hearing on me if they want to censor me on or off this forum so I can challenge it. The problem, as someone pointed out to me on Twitter is, there are an estimated 45 million uncounted adults with autism in the U.S. who also want to be heard and our government does not want to hear what is on our minds. U.S. goverment also does not want any savant person with autism to become a leader of an autism freedom and equal opportunity movement.