Today it's Sweden's National Day, the Day of the Swedish Flag and also the 200 year anniversary of the revolution and the new constitution of 1809.
On February 21th 1808 Russian troops crossed the Swedish-Russian border at Kymmene River in today's southern Finland. Despite a
BRAVE defense and courage among the troops, the Swedish High Command ordered the troops to retreat towards the north. The fortresses Sveaborg and Svartholm soon capitulated to the Russians and in December 1808 Finland was totally occupied by Russia.
In the spring of 1809 the Russians crossed the demarcation line at the Kemi River, and at the same time sent troops over the Baltic, to attack Sweden Proper. Some Russian troops were fooled to retreat just some tens of kilometers north of Stockholm. When it had gone this far, some high officers and aristocrats made a coup and dethroned the King, Gustav IV Adolf. A new constituition was ratified and promulgated on the 6th of June, though Finland and parts of Sweden Proper were lost forever in September through the peace treaty with Russia.
So, happy Cowards' day!