Didn' necessarily mean University, but I would wholeheartedly disagree with regards to say theoretical physics, mathematics, medicine in many regards, etc. You two have closed yourselves off to a greater understanding. I get the whole society is fucked up bit. It's how you choose to deal with it that matters.
I have managed to slightly educate myself, somewhat, and done so at dozens upon dozens of local libraries, without any help from anyone. My biggest problem is not a lack of knowledge, but a lack of definable marketability for my varied studies. My wholehearted pursuit of unrelated minutia and unbound interests in all things natural have begun to coalesce into a semblance of education, finally.
Not really trying to make that a point, but he often calls me stupid (or similar - I know I am not stupid) for not having a high IQ or whatever when I put a challenge to him. It is a waste of time, I am beginning to believe. The man won't accept help, except in the form of Swedish Kronor, free drugs, porn links or free maps.
(I even offered him what he claimed to want most at the time, once, in an effort towards friendship and as a way of proving to him that the things he thought we so cool about this country were not really all that important. Didn't work, even though I was more serious than he could even imagine)
He will end up sitting in the corner, alone and paranoid, in some socially-kept state home some day as the nose-picking, speech-slurring, drippy-chin, Kaczynski-quoting, unwashed laughing stock among a few dozen other misfits who have similarly wasted their own respective chances at having productive lives.
I doubt that music will play at his funeral nor will anyone drink in merry remembrance and celebrate how well he was known to live on his state welfare funds.
I am saddened by this, mostly.