For breakfast I had chineese cabbage, raddishes, corn, califlower, and mesclin salad and had more of those yellow eyed peas. Variety is the spice of life. I also had herb concotion from cuppboard. Garlic, parsley, sage, cinnamon, oregano, black pepper, red pepper, ginger, thyme, corrander, and clove. 2 cups of green tea superantioxidant too.
For lunch I had raw collard greens, chinese cabbage, peppers, cellery and tomatoes make a nice topping. I had some quinoa and some yellow eyed peas on the side. I had a nice banana for a snack. I had a glass of green tea superantioxidant too. I also had one glass of my tea binge that I am going to have in a little while. 4 cups of detox tea, 4 cups green tea kombucha, 4 cups ginko iq tea. Party on! I might have enough to buy ginseng tea later. Its called green tea energy.
When thou gets his lazy up and cooks meat he can have it.