Hadron threatened to merge Odeon's thread with this one and he moved this one before the vote was even finished, Calandale. Do you really not remember this? Here is a link to refresh your recollection:
Yes. I really don't. It wasn't worth it.
There was NO thought in my mind.
Once the arguments were made, I
was convinced that doing such to a
current member's thread, would've
been wrong. So, now we have to
get into the realm of arguing whether
Haddy's posts involve thought - some
would disagree.

Why should a thread be moved when it is in a perfectly good place to start with, just because the person who started it is no longer a member? It says in the board description of "What's Your Crime? Basic Discussion" "Feel free to talk about anything and everything in this board."
Sure. But why was the game section started,
and what was the history? It's kinda nice to
separate all the inane shit into one place.
I know that this "What did you eat today?" thread is just one thread, but when we start doing stuff like that, we start sliding down the slippery slope to being a moderated forum and that was the direction that you were pushing us in. That's why Odeon started the other "What did you eat today?" thread, not as retaliation.
His starting the thread did NOTHING to prevent
us from sliding down that slope. And, once the
discussion was out, I realized that my original
intent WAS moderation. But, there's a BIG difference
between moderation done by a huge majority of the
site's active members, and that done by a single
person. Some moderation takes place, anyhow
(though very little), so it's not like we can claim to
be pristine and free. Sure, it's done in the name of
'site protection' rather than mere whim, but actually,
I find it MORE troublesome to actually prevent certain
forms of speech, than it is to merely try and make things
more orderly - probably just me though.
Triste started some other threads too, but you started the vote to move this one just because it was a personal annoyance to you being there. I'm surprised that you didn't start a vote to move "Questions for Callaway" to the Ask Away threads next since Triste started that one too and you questioned why it was on the same board. Instead, Scrapheap just deleted it because Hadron made him an administrator.
Interesting. I certainly would have supported such a move, but
given that it was your thread (in terms of being about you), and
I HAD already asked you (I do so dislike certain kinds of disorder),
no, I wouldn't have tried to get it moved. Much as the voting on
the eat thread showed, I presumed that no one really would be too
upset. When Odeon brought up the issue of moderation, that set me
to pause, but then I think YOU pointed out that triste wasn't really around
to ask. That was enough to ease my conscience on the matter.
The real reason people voted to turn the site back over to Dunc and Odeon and have things go back to being like they were before we started the World Council is because you treated it as your personal playground and with every new decision you forced on us, you pushed us closer to being a moderated board. At least Scrapheap was more up-front with us and tried to force his rules on us all at once, but you were more insidious.
Bull. This was the only bloody thing that came
close to moderation. And, it's far less than what
is done here anyway, IMO. The real reason was that
people were fucking sick and tired of dealing with
the meta-issues, of actually limiting the WC, rather
than the actions on the membership. IF I had stuck
to such simple questions, there would've been no
problem at all. Are you really so dense, or is this a
calculated attempt, once again, to discredit using
some altered view of the truth?