well i am from finland so it's not uncommon there at all. the people who live in the north, in lapland, they are related to eskimos i'm sure. so that's what i mean with eskimoblood, more accurately i have laplandian blood. well i'm pretty sure. my mom's parents are from up north. i think native americans are related to eskimos cuz they look similar too but i dunno. anyway lots of people in finland are quite eskimo looking cuz of that, i don't particularly look like one though. i must also also have some asian blood cuz of where finns came from originally. i have german blood from my dad's side but my dad is pretty dark and looks almost indian or jewish except for the nose. i've knowns lots of people who look totally like eskimos or asian. i'd like to know more about how eskimos and native americans and asians are related cuz they all have a similar look. this turned into a total ramble though lol. i'm too darn ADD to actually read about this crap so basically my mom tried to explain it to me but then she just told me to read the rest for myself.

edit: had to change the indians to native americans cuz i also talked about real indians from india.