Not that bad, really.
It goes for sheet composting and weed control. Bury it slightly and it becomes black gold as it supports earthworms. Not sure why I would want to "eat it up" from the worms.
Salt and vinegar?
Catfish (very affordable this time of year) is wonderful, marinated overnight in a briney malt vinegar mix. It removes most of the so-called "mud flavor" towards which, some object. Also the cornmeal batter is heavily salted to prevent rising as it fries. There is salt! Vinegar is available for drizzling at the table.
Tomato sauce?
I would rather have fresh tomatoes when they are abundant, personally. Winter is approaching, though. Tomato sauce will have to suffice after another week or two, once the tomato season is past.
Cottage fries may be similar to your chips, but I'm not sure. I cut unpeeled potatoes into big coins and stir them into a large bowl with olive oil and various herbs and garlic, then bake them until tender inside and brown on the outside, turning once.
Explain, please.
BTW, I took your advice and oil-preserved some grilled Hungarian peppers, using a recipe I found on the net. Unfortunately, I ate a quart over the next couple of days. I have two quarts set aside to "cure" properly.
How long do you let them cure?