go and have another 1400 calories, my sweetle. and get some veg/fruit down your neck. you KNOW you'll only slow your metabolism to fuck all, and then you won't be able to eat anyting without it going straight to your hips.
i had a banana; cheese and red onion "sausages" with potatoes, carrots, french beans, curly kale and mushrooms; and then went beserk cos i HAD to use up some blackberries from my garden, so i made steamed apple and blackberry pudding and had it with custard. and i still stayed within proper calorie limits. oh, and a couple of mint chocolates after lunch, cos they're a pressie and i'm eking them out.

see, hon? it's all okay to eat, as long as you've got someone to catch you if you fall.
/stands with arms out, just in case.