Breakfast: Mesclin salad, radishes, and califlower. I topped it with corn and pinto beans. I had an orange on the side, and three cups of green tea super antioxidant. Various nutritional supplements. I tend to have the same thing for a quite a few meals in a row, because I share my refrigerator with my sister, who has a child. I also don't have a car and have to carry home a bookbag full of grocceries 2 times per week. Life is a bitch! I have plenty of variety in each meal, but I have not bothered to cook meat in a week.
Green tea superantioxidant: Grape seed extract ( standardized for proanthocyanins), emblic fruit extract( standardized for tannins), lemon grass, green tea leaf, licorice root, jasmine green tea leaf, alfafa leaf, burdock root, dandelion root, and irish moss plant.