
Author Topic: Lyrics, quotes, etc. that you like or are inspired by!  (Read 11391 times)

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Re: Lyrics, quotes, etc. that you like or are inspired by!
« Reply #105 on: August 07, 2009, 07:05:12 AM »
One loves with his strong spirit,
another with his heart.
Yet another lives separated from his spirit,
and to him is only given pain.

Deepest inside him is a burst,
and slowly he bleeds to death.
What brings immortality
just makes him devastated.

He longs to his own spirit
and the spirit to its heart.
He is - and yet isn't at all,
not even his own pain.

 - Pär Lagerkvist


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Re: Lyrics, quotes, etc. that you like or are inspired by!
« Reply #106 on: August 07, 2009, 07:23:28 AM »
What do you think, you silent Earth,
carrying so much pain?
If you might say us anything,
what would you ask?

What should we answer you,
our patient, sad mother?
"You put something heavy on me.
My child, is it your brother?"

- Pär Lagerkvist

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Re: Lyrics, quotes, etc. that you like or are inspired by!
« Reply #107 on: August 08, 2009, 04:25:38 AM »
There's no work in walking and to fuel the talk
I would grab my shoes and then away I'd walk
Through all the stubborn beauty I start at the dawn
Until the sun had fully stopped
Never walking away from
Just a way to pull apart
Dehydrate back into minerals
A life long walk to the same exact spot

Carbon's anniversary
The parting of the sensory
old old mystery
The parting of the sensory

Who the hell made you the boss?
We placed our chips in all the right spots but still lost
Any shithead who had ever walked
Could take this ship and do a much finer job
This fit like clothes made out of wasps
Oh, fuck it, I guess I lost

The parting of the sensory
Carbon's anniversary
part it again, if you please
Carbon's anniversary

Who the hell made you the boss?
If you say what to do, I know what not to stop
If you were the ship who would ever get on?
The weather changed and for the worse
It came down on us like it had been rehearsed
Not like you hoped, but change will surely come
And be awful for most, but really good for some
I took a trip to the exact same spot
We'd pulled the trigger, but we forgot to cock
And every single shot

Aw, fuck it, I guess we lost

Some day you will die and somehow something's going to steal your carbon
Some day you will die and somehow something's going to steal your carbon
Some day you will die somehow and something's going to steal your carbon
Some day you will die and someone or something will steal your carbon
Some day something will die and somehow you'll figure out how often
You will die somehow and something's going to steal your carbon
Something will die and you will probably just steal its carbon
Some day you will die somehow and something's going to steal your carbon

-modest mouse "parting of the sensory"

(shitty transcript, tried to fix the errors but i prolly missed a few)
feix ma spellan. ai nide halp. coz i caent duet.


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Re: Lyrics, quotes, etc. that you like or are inspired by!
« Reply #108 on: August 09, 2009, 03:14:07 PM »
Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge! If you follow the 5 D's no amount of balls in the world can hit you! Patches O'Houlihan was a real man!  :indeed:

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Re: Lyrics, quotes, etc. that you like or are inspired by!
« Reply #109 on: August 09, 2009, 03:18:56 PM »

If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!

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Re: Lyrics, quotes, etc. that you like or are inspired by!
« Reply #110 on: August 09, 2009, 03:43:04 PM »
this whole song inspires me
My little piece of hell
stay the fuck out of it


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Re: Lyrics, quotes, etc. that you like or are inspired by!
« Reply #111 on: August 12, 2009, 03:03:29 PM »
I know I already posted a few H&M quotes already but I could quote that film all night long.  Everyone should watch it at least one in my opinion  8)

Harold: What were you fighting for?
Maude: Oh, big issues. Liberty. Rights. Justice. Kings died, kingdoms fell. I don't regret the kingdoms - what sense in borders and nations and patriotism? But I miss the kings.

Maude: A lot of people enjoy being dead. But they are not dead, really. They're just backing away from life. *Reach* out. Take a *chance*. Get *hurt* even. But play as well as you can. Go team, go! Give me an L. Give me an I. Give me a V. Give me an E. L-I-V-E. LIVE! Otherwise, you got nothing to talk about in the locker room.

Harold: You sure have a way with people.
Maude: Well, they're my species!

Maude: Harold, *everyone* has the right to make an ass out of themselves. You just can't let the world judge you too much.

Harold: Maude.
Maude: Hmm?
Harold: Do you pray?
Maude: Pray? No. I communicate.
Harold: With God?
Maude: With *life*.

Harold: You hop in any car you want and just drive off?
Maude: Well, not any car - I like to keep a variety. I'm always looking for the new experience.
Harold: [smiling] Maybe.
Harold: [more seriously] Nevertheless, I think you're upsetting people. I don't know if that's right.
Maude: Well, if some people get upset because they feel they have a hold on some things, I'm merely acting as a gentle reminder: here today, gone tomorrow, so don't get attached to things.

Maude: The earth is my body; my head is in the stars.



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Re: Lyrics, quotes, etc. that you like or are inspired by!
« Reply #112 on: August 14, 2009, 12:42:54 PM »
CSS - Music Is My Hot, Hot Sex

From all the drugs the one I like more is music
From all the junks the one I need more is music
From all the boys the one I take home is music
From all the ladies the one I kiss is music

Music is my boyfriend
Music is my girlfriend
Music is my dead end
Music is my imaginary friend
Music is my brother
Music is my great-grand-daughter
Music is my sister
Music is my favorite mistress

From all the shit the one I got to buy is music
From all the jobs the one I choose is music
From all the drinks, I get drunk off music
From all the bitches the one I want to be is music

Music is my beach house
Music is my hometown
Music is my king-size bed
Music's where I make my friends
Music is my hot hot bath
Music is my hot hot sex
Music is my back rub
My music is where I'd like you to touch

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Re: Lyrics, quotes, etc. that you like or are inspired by!
« Reply #113 on: August 16, 2009, 04:21:43 AM »

I've got a little black book with my poems in.
Got a bag with a toothbrush and a comb in.
When I'm a good dog, they sometimes throw me a bone in.

I got elastic bands keepin my shoes on.
Got those swollen hand blues.
Got thirteen channels of shit on the T.V. to choose from.
I've got electric light.
And I've got second sight.
And amazing powers of observation.

And that is how I know
When I try to get through
On the telephone to you
There'll be nobody home.

I've got the obligatory Hendrix perm.
And the inevitable pinhole burns
All down the front of my favorite satin shirt.
I've got nicotine stains on my fingers.
I've got a silver spoon on a chain.
I've got a grand piano to prop up my mortal remains.

I've got wild staring eyes.
And I've got a strong urge to fly.
But I got nowhere to fly to.

Ooooh, Babe when I pick up the phone

There's still nobody home.

I've got a pair of Gohills boots
and I got fading roots.

---roger waters was aspie,..maybe
feix ma spellan. ai nide halp. coz i caent duet.


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Re: Lyrics, quotes, etc. that you like or are inspired by!
« Reply #114 on: August 17, 2009, 08:14:11 PM »
How To Become A Great Writer by Charles Bukowski

you've got to fuck a great many women
beautiful women
and write a few decent love poems.

and don't worry about age
and/or freshly-arrived talents.

just drink more beer
more and more beer

and attend the racetrack at least once a

and win
if possible.

learning to win is hard-
any slob can be a good loser.

and don't forget your Brahms
and your Bach and your

don't overexcercise.

sleep until noon.

avoid credit cards
or paying for anything on

remember that there isn't a piece of ass
in this world worth more than $50
(in 1977).

and if you have the ability to love
love yourself first
but always be aware of the possibility of
total defeat

whether the reason for that defeat
seems right or wrong--

an early taste of death is not necessarily
a bad thing.

stay out of churches and bars and museums,
and like the spider be
time is everybody's cross,

all that dross.

stay with the beer.

beer is continuous blood.

a continuous lover.

get a large typewriter
and as the footsteps go up and down
outside your window

hit that thing
hit it hard

make it a heavyweight fight

make it the bull when he first charges in

and remember the old dogs
who fought so well:
Hemingway, Celine, Dostojevski, Hamsun.

If you don't think they didn't go crazy

in tiny rooms
just like you're doing now

without women
without food
without hope

then you're not ready.

drink more beer.
there's time.
and if there's not
that's all right


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Re: Lyrics, quotes, etc. that you like or are inspired by!
« Reply #115 on: August 18, 2009, 07:19:41 AM »

With his fists clenched in rage
in the grave lies a man.
His look is cruel, as fought
he yet. He is Man.

Though quicklime they poured on his features
he refuses to be wiped out.
Once again he will rise
and show that he exists.

Buried together with thousands
and they're all like him.
Rot will the men in the blouses
but never rot will Man.

- Pär Lagerkvist

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Re: Lyrics, quotes, etc. that you like or are inspired by!
« Reply #116 on: August 19, 2009, 08:20:01 AM »
"There's beauty in a breakdown."--Frou Frou

Seems esp. appropriate given my breakdown the other week.
Alex179: Everything that is living is dying.   It will stop dying when it is dead.
"Earth is the cradle of Humanity. But one cannot live in a cradle forever."--Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
The law is the law. Rules are rules. God is God. A is A. Black is black. I want my baby back.

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Re: Lyrics, quotes, etc. that you like or are inspired by!
« Reply #117 on: August 19, 2009, 10:45:50 AM »
"There's beauty in a breakdown."--Frou Frou

Seems esp. appropriate given my breakdown the other week.

I'm really glad that you are doing better now.

Offline matthe

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Re: Lyrics, quotes, etc. that you like or are inspired by!
« Reply #118 on: August 20, 2009, 07:38:34 AM »
Sometimes I dream about reality
Sometimes I feel so gone
Sometimes I dream about a wild wild world
Sometimes I feel so lonesome

Hey Bobby Marley
Sing something good to me
This world go crazy
It's an emergency

Tonight I dream about fraternity
TONIGHT I say: one day!
One day my dreams will be reality
Like Bobby said to me

Hey Bobby Marley
Sing something good to me
This world go crazy
It's an emergency

Hey Bobby Marley
Sing something good to me
This world go crazy
It's an emergency...

Tonight I watch through my window
And I can't see no lights
Tonight I watch through my window
And I can't see no rights
feix ma spellan. ai nide halp. coz i caent duet.


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Re: Lyrics, quotes, etc. that you like or are inspired by!
« Reply #119 on: August 23, 2009, 09:28:30 PM »
The Jam - Dreams of Children

I sat alone with the dreams of children
Weeping willows and tall dark building,
I've caught a fashion from the dreams of children
But woke up sweating from this modern nightmare, and
I was alone, no one was there

I caught a glimpse from the dreams of children
I got a feeling of optimism
But woke up to a grey and lonely picture
The streets below left me feeling dirty, and

I was alone, no one was there
I was alone, no one was there

Something's gonna crack on your dreams tonight...
You will crack on your dreams tonight

I fell in love with the dreams of children
I saw a vision of all the happy days
I've caught a fashion from the dreams of children
But woke up sweating from this modern nightmare, and

I was alone, no one was there
I was alone, no one was there

Something's gonna crack on your dreams tonight...
You will crack on your dreams tonight
You will choke on your dreams tonight