
Author Topic: Sayings you hate  (Read 20300 times)

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Re: Sayings you hate
« Reply #255 on: October 15, 2018, 02:03:52 AM »
To me, they always meant the bullshit fluff that was on phones. Pretty much what amounted to a thick client.

I really don't like seeing something that largely runs on my machine being called an app.
It feels like extending 'fast food' to include all possible dining experiences, just because
most people eat too many of their meals that way.

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Re: Sayings you hate
« Reply #256 on: October 15, 2018, 02:57:16 AM »
My case worker (mental health) says "anywho" a lot instead of anyhow. Also "anythink" instead of anything.
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Re: Sayings you hate
« Reply #257 on: October 15, 2018, 04:40:25 AM »
My case worker (mental health) says "anywho" a lot instead of anyhow. Also "anythink" instead of anything.

I was going to drop "anywho"  in this thread, yesterday, but I got busy with gardening.
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Re: Sayings you hate
« Reply #258 on: October 15, 2018, 05:06:56 AM »
Bogan Strayan word: youse.

Plural of you.

Examples: Do any of youse wanna go to Maccas?

Youse can all go and get fucked.

When youse come over tonight can you bring some goon?

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Re: Sayings you hate
« Reply #259 on: October 15, 2018, 11:30:11 PM »
To me, they always meant the bullshit fluff that was on phones. Pretty much what amounted to a thick client.

I really don't like seeing something that largely runs on my machine being called an app.
It feels like extending 'fast food' to include all possible dining experiences, just because
most people eat too many of their meals that way.

Agreed. I didn't get to vote, though.
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Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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Re: Sayings you hate
« Reply #260 on: October 16, 2018, 03:39:30 PM »
My case worker (mental health) says "anywho" a lot instead of anyhow. Also "anythink" instead of anything.

I say that too.   (emo)

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Re: Sayings you hate
« Reply #261 on: October 16, 2018, 07:26:25 PM »
My case worker (mental health) says "anywho" a lot instead of anyhow. Also "anythink" instead of anything.

I say that too.   (emo)
Both of them?
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Re: Sayings you hate
« Reply #262 on: October 16, 2018, 08:19:28 PM »
My case worker (mental health) says "anywho" a lot instead of anyhow. Also "anythink" instead of anything.

I say that too.   (emo)
Both of them?


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Re: Sayings you hate
« Reply #263 on: October 17, 2018, 08:46:41 AM »
Bogan Strayan word: youse.

Plural of you.

Examples: Do any of youse wanna go to Maccas?

Youse can all go and get fucked.

When youse come over tonight can you bring some goon?

Pretty common here in the urban lingo and more widely used down in Kentucky and Tennessee. It is almost as bad as "Don' axe me, I don' know nuthin' "
It makes my teeth itch, which is not possible, but it does.
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Re: Sayings you hate
« Reply #264 on: October 17, 2018, 03:51:17 PM »
"Here's that"

Every dumbass millennial and Gen Z'er who works fast food drive thru's don't know how to fucking talk to customers.

They hand me my change.
"Here's that"

They hand me my drink
"here's that"

They hand me my food
"here's that"

 :grrr:      :grrr:      :grrr:      :grrr:      :grrr:

How about:

Here's your change, $1.27

Here's your small Coke with no ice

And here's your #5 combo with curly fries.

What the fuck is so difficult about that??

How about: 'What the fuck is so difficult about not using pronouns when referring to things?"

Well, this issue is communication. By saying specifically what they are giving me, they are confirming that the order is correct.

When they just say "that", how do I know that they got my change right? How do I know I got the right drink? How do I know that I got the right order? Now I have to double check all these things myself.

If the dumb kid would just fucking communicate, then I would know that they are paying attention and everything is correct.

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Re: Sayings you hate
« Reply #265 on: October 17, 2018, 06:48:27 PM »
In New Orleans a lot of the times the server will call you "Baby" "Dear" or "Darling"
I think it may be a bit of a hang on from the time they were baby carers.  Most of the employees in fast food places are black.

At the diner I'm "Mom" (because of The PR) or "Sis" (because The PR calls well known adults Aunt or Uncle.)
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Re: Sayings you hate
« Reply #266 on: October 17, 2018, 06:49:29 PM »
After having a problem once or twice years ago, I will tell the cashier the amount I'm handing them.  This makes them aware that I'm aware and makes them check that I have given them that amount. 
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

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Re: Sayings you hate
« Reply #267 on: October 17, 2018, 07:37:31 PM »
In New Orleans a lot of the times the server will call you "Baby" "Dear" or "Darling"
I think it may be a bit of a hang on from the time they were baby carers.  Most of the employees in fast food places are black.

At the diner I'm "Mom" (because of The PR) or "Sis" (because The PR calls well known adults Aunt or Uncle.)
Have noticed it common for white southern women to use terms of endearment like that toward other women even if they don't know them well, shug, momma, dear. It strikes as condescending; though do realize it's not intended. It used to bother me that some Hispanic men say mommy or baby, then someone once explained it's cultural, not intended to be offensive, and simply means they don't know my name. It still bothers me anyway but not too much; it's just annoying syrup like white southern women. I realize they're just being nice, and it's me that doesn't like syrup. 

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Re: Sayings you hate
« Reply #268 on: October 17, 2018, 08:10:22 PM »
In Indonesia it gets tricky, they will refer to young woman as mba (sister) and an older woman as ibu (mother, usually shortened to "boo").

Indonesian women get it, they rarely get offended by being referred to as "boo" because it's a sign of respect. Although I did hear about 4 women getting irate in a pub when they got the tab and the server had written "empat gendut ibu" on it (4 fat mamas). That pub hired waitresses for their looks and personalities and was pretty successful as a result but... they weren't that great on keeping track of table numbers and groups and who was buying what, so they'd write down a description of a group on their tab.

I've seen some expat ladies get really upset about being referred to as "ibu" or "boo" though. Problem is that the Indonesians, even when they speak English, tend to tack it on at the end of every sentence when they are speaking to someone they see as having higher status than themselves. Like "yes boo, we add the transaction amount to the balance boo, transaction code is 1010 boo".

In Australian cities men will still call each other "mate" especially because we are drunk most of the time and therefore we tend to forget each other's names. But it is rare these days for women to refer people they don't know as "darling" or "sweetheart", which used to be quite common. Last time I was in Melbourne a Tesla saleswoman called me "sweetheart", which was a bit of a flashback. And in country towns and smaller regional cities people will still refer to you as "sweetheart" quite often. Like if you order a coffee they'll say "that'll be $3.50 sweetheart".
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Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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Re: Sayings you hate
« Reply #269 on: October 17, 2018, 09:12:46 PM »
In New Orleans a lot of the times the server will call you "Baby" "Dear" or "Darling"
I think it may be a bit of a hang on from the time they were baby carers.  Most of the employees in fast food places are black.

At the diner I'm "Mom" (because of The PR) or "Sis" (because The PR calls well known adults Aunt or Uncle.)

There's several saying in the South that everyone else finds annoying.