"Because I said so!"
This is never an acceptable response.
"I love you soooo much, but love is not enough."
I wish you had just said you hated me and told me to fuck off!
"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth...so help you <insert deity’s name>?"
Refused to do this in court and got thrown out.
“Hey baby, you wanna party?”
Hell yeah I want to party. That is why I threw all that money on the dance floor while you were up there! If I didn’t, then hell no I don’t want to party you skank.
“Love at first sight!”
How can you love someone without knowing them? More like, “Lust at first sight!”
“One nation, under <insert deity’s name>!”
So much for the separation of church and state and freedom of religion.