Anything religious. No, jesus didn't fucking die for a damned thing, and he sure as shit had no idea I was going to be bloody born. Guy is a rotting corpse, same goes for all the other major religious prophet types. Fuck em with a flamethrower sideways if you ask me.
'retarded' as an insullt, anything similar, E.g retard, spastic, although for some reason 'monged' has been current and has no association with Downs, it means to be so fucking baked after smoking weed that you are half asleep and draped over the nearest solid object. The likes of retard, retarded, its just insulting to those who actually have some form of MR. I'm likely to twat anyone who uses such terms again after being warned.
On a jar of salted cashews 'warning, may contain nuts'. You haploid tosser, if it doesn't contain nuts, then I'd be shoving the jar up your backside for ripping me off when I wanted the food I paid for, and besides, anyone moronic enough to have a nut allergy and buy and eat a jar of nuts, deserves to die, they are just to stupid to live.
Most religious crap. Although I'm prone to using some rather archaic terms in my speech, '''steeth,'' and 'sblood' meaning 'gods teeth' 'gods blood', very old oaths last current a few centuries ago. And references to ancient civilizations, such as 'go to Hades/tartarus' and one thats probably unique to me 'it's just piss in the Styx', meaning 'fuck all'.
I keep getting told that I've got cursing and slagging people off made into a fine art, that I'm creative in the way I talk generally. I tend to throw phrases in quite a few languages in my speech, usually something profane, I swear in french, german, polish, russian, latin (like my tag line. 'homo stercore veteris, heterodiem'
means 'same old shit, different day' in latin. As well as speaking ASL, so I can swear pretty well in ASL sign as well. A few bits of ancient greek, nahuatl, I just pick stuff up like that.