Oh, they have a lot to offer the West, according to Swedish politicians. 
I was supposed to train some at my last job I had them fired in less than two weeks. Had much better luck with the Bosnians we hire after
The cleaning company that takes care of our store had a Somali man working for them for a while. He seemed like a really great guy, smart, educated, good personality and he did a great job of his menial cleaning duties. He was also a very funny guy.
After a couple of months, he tried to get on the staff at BB. He would have been welcomed as new employee, except that when they did his background check, he was due to be deported from having been convicted of a felony (assault).
I never had a chance to talk to him much about what happened with his legal troubles, but from his appearance, odd use of extremely proper English and heavy African accent, I am tempted to assume that something racially oriented had set him off on someone (being that it was a fight that got him asswise with the law). This area of the country has quite a few racists and it seems like the worst of the violent racism is black upon black. Africans are NOT welcome in a community of American blacks, it seems. I know where he used to live after giving him a lift home one day and that area has always been a hotbed of such trouble.
Too bad, really.
It's interesting how many African immigrants we have here - regular people who just want to learn how to live in America.