Also got $24 in scrap steel and some other stuff for the fleamaket and I charged them $120 to tale the stuff away 
I wish you could get a contract with UPS.
Where my wife works, they pay a typical towtruck guy two hundred plus bucks to haul away their old, retired trucks. He takes them to his farm, where he separates the aluminum from the iron. He often has a working truck engine and transmission to sell also, along with a usable truck differential, several half decent tires, a radiator, an electrical system, etc, etc.
The last time he drug away four half dead trucks from the UPS barn, he made over twenty thousand dollars, scrapping them out.
About a year ago, he made a fortune, because UPS had tried an experiment with Mercedes trucks. They bought bunch of them and they could not be efficiently maintained, so they got rid of twelve Mercedes trucks in one swipe of the pen at this one hub, alone. That guy made a killing on that deal, because most of the trucks were generic and with a little re-vamping, those Mercedes engines, transmissions, basically every iron bearing part (All the shit hung on the chassis to make it a UPS truck was aluminum and went directly to the crusher) were marketable and with almost no money in them, he put almost every penny in his pocket.
He still keeps his towing business going, but he loves it when UPS calls with junk to haul away. His only responsibility is that he must destroy the trucks.