I wouldn't mind having that car. Someone else could pay for its insurance, though. 
What is your avatar about, Diesel?
My avatar is a pic of a motorcycle I was riding shortly after I wrecked it back in August last year.
It caught fire some how.
Here is a larger pic.

The theory is that the hot engine ignited the dry grass and it went from there.
The fuel tank actually disconnected during the wreck and landed safely away from the bike.....I landed further down the road out of the picture.

The wreck happened basically because I wasn't in the proper frame of mind to be sport riding.
The thing with me is that I'm so oblivious to my mental and physical state of being that I don't recognize when I shouldn't be sporting on a motorcycle.
Sport riding requires 100% all the time. I was on a technical road I knew well, but just drifted off into lala land got to close the edge of the road in a left hand turn. I though could pull out of it but left the road and then came back on the pavement sliding sideways......once the rear of the bike got traction, it spit me off. I did what called a high-side.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HighsiderHad all my gear on, Helmet, racing gloves with carbon fiber knuckle protection, racing boots, fully armored leather jacket, and leather pants with armor hard armor in the knees.
Only suffered a very sore heel and a badly broken right wrist (compund fracture & dislocation) thanks to all the gear I was wearing.
If I hadn't been wearing the boots I was, I'm certain my heel would have been shattered......plus I'd have lost my left ear and had a hole in my forhead along with more damage to my right hand.
Had one surgery to put in plates & screws to set the bone in my wrist.
Another for some reconstructive work on the ligaments and such.
I can post more pic's of te whole wreck thing plus the broken wrist if anyone wants to see.
This wreck led to the Porsche.
My parents have never approved of me motorcycling being that my father has permenant injuries from a motorcycle wreck and 2 of my cousins are dead due to bike wrecks. While I was sitting in the emergency room, my father walked in a told me he'd give me his Aston Martin (which he never drives) if I got rid of all my bikes. Initially I declined.......but after some time in the hospital and a week or so to think about it, I changed my mind. The odds are against me. I've had 5 years and 60,000 miles of motorcycle enjoyment with 2 wrecks and a countless number of close calls.....time to move on while I still have the option.
Traded the Aston plus some of my own money for the Porsche.
I've always wanted a 911.