I had to leave the rest of the morning session to cover a meeting on an Australian project, but when I returned I found my presentation was voted the third best out of over forty. I would have gotten first if they weren't rushing us and I could have had the music embedded.
It was really enlightening in the afternoon. As it turns out, the guy who tried get me fired after just over a year with the government who is now second in command in our division and the puppetmaster of the number one, is pretty much despised by everyone. I knew a lot of people had issues with him, because when my incident with him occured, quite a few secretly came to my side. But wow! Our main complaint as a branch was the dictatorship that has emerged from the division. I'd love to take him on, since everyone else is scared of him, but my history with him causes mt to lose credibility as it will seem like it is personal. After our incident, we both had to do professional counseling and were supposed to end up having a joint session, but he refused.