Thanks, I edited above. It makes sense, now.
(I can't type today. I have left out letters all day - it's a tinglyneedle day for me)

wow. that's all so strange for me. I don't do that. I think I need to clarify if I'm an aspie or just 'an NT guy who thought he was an aspie'. How reliable as a general thing is the rdos and stuff like that anyhow. I don't think I exhibit many of the things I've read about here - and some of them maybe - but that doesn't necess. mean I'm allowed to 'join the club', so to speak haha

It makes no difference to any of us whether you are an aspie or a NT who thinks he may be an aspie.
We are all different from one another anyway, if that makes any sense.
If there is a club, then you are most welcome to join it.

Callaway beat me to it, but she spoke the truth.
No one really cares about what you are, how you got here as long as you back up your words. Be interesting and you are welcome here. BE NOT interesting and some will try to ramp you up to the point that you become interesting or die.
Honestly, if I did something aspie-like before, then I do not even know what it was.
You pointed out how I had made an unintelligible post and I tried my best to make it slightly more intelligible, by editing. I do know that I was a bit late in my editing, but I do that sometimes.

(me)(various shit)
OH, to answer your question, I think the RDOS is about half or more bullshit. I score high as fuck on the damn thing, but I can lead a normal life, quite the envy of some, in fact.
I have good days and bad days, but don't we ALL!!!
BTW, I thought you were already a part of the club. Since you are still having reservations as to your acceptance, here is my mark ...

Don't wallow too long!