Nobody knows exactly how they would react, but to say you don't have a good idea, that would make you very very aspie
no, you don't know how i'd react. how would i react if you called me a genius and a retard?
what makes me a fucking aspie is knowing logically i can't know, and thus not wasting time assuming.
go ahead and tell me how i would react.
Work on your theory of mind their sovanu, lets talk about levels for a second here, because honestly and I mean this truthfully, you've got the lowest IQ, the highest level of ignorance and Cant seem to grasp the basics here unlike anybody else on the boards. I dont care how long you studied XYZ, or exactly how aspie you are. drop the butch girl act or start posting with even a hint of intelligence. But where was I, OH yeah levels!
Level #1 you read "If I was gonna call someone a genius could I have a general idea of how they would react? " and think "Nope, you can't understand how somoneone would react" ( Which is too literal a intreptation of a question already phrased to avoid literal interpretations IE= "General Idea" but more about that on level 2)
Level #2 Thinking, Now read carefully here cause this is where your ignorance kicks in. Level 2 thinking, is thinking about, what I was thinking about, when I asked the question. (not so tough eh, read a book, youll pick up on it eventually, just learn to read first)
So with that in mind, what do you think, I was thinking when I wrote that question. Do you really think I was saying that I KNOW exactly how someone will react to ANYTHING? Logically, even a 10 year old knows that nobody can ever know exactly how someone will react.
now lets go a little deeper, this may sound complicated to you, but it happens everyday, between most people. While you dont know exactly how someone will react you DO know the general ( or level#1) implications of what your saying. scream at someone level#1 assumption= not a positive reaction. But you can also logically realize there are other reactions aswell, and based upon the range of differnt possible reactions coupled with what you know about that person or what you can tell from that person, you can assign a likely hood of reaching a certain reaction.
too complicated? If I were to tell someone they look beautiful, the % chance of them having a negative reaction to that is much smaller then a neutral or positive one. and thats a very basic way of understanding
If was gonna call someone a genius could I have a general idea of how they would react.
Now for the hell of it, lets move up to level #3 thinking, this is where the fun begins.
Level 3 is me thinking about, how your thinking about my thinking, effects your thinking and how that should alter my thinking.
But once you learn the alphabet, we can move on to actually using it. get it?