OMG me too. I used to watch motor racing, and I'd cry when a car crashed. I didn't care about the driver, but the car dying made me so sad 
I get really sentamentally attached to objects. I have this small silly rubber ball, and I'd be quite sad if I lost, or broke it. I've always had a strange attachment to certain objects.
Cars I have strong empathy for (if empathy is the right word here

). They seem like they have personalities to me. all different. Obviously I know they don;t, but it feels like they do. The same for everything. I have this weird thing (kinda ocd-ish, driving me mad this week as it's worse lately for some reason) where I feel like I have to smile at things if I look at them, or I'm being impolite and they'll be upset

This sounds crazy written down, and I know they don't think or feel, but I still do it. Like if I'm walking down the road and my coat toaches a branch off a tree, I have to turn back and smile at the branch lol.
It's always stronger for rubbish and broken/unwanted things. Like something that's been thrown on the floor outside, or a teddy bear that hasn't been sold. Sometimes I even feel like I have to buy something just because I've looked at it and I don't want it to feel unwanted.
This is quite embarrassing to admit actually