Author Topic: What are you under the influence of  (Read 5493 times)

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Re: What are you under the influence of
« Reply #105 on: September 04, 2016, 08:48:19 PM »
I really wish I was in a state where I could legally take (not smoke) pot. I am pretty sure it would help with some stuff. My job won't allow it though, even if the state allowed it.

It is just becoming legal for medicinal use here, but pretty impossible to obtain legally in this area. Doctors around here will hand you every pain killer under the sun before they will even consider it.

All I know is that it helps with my IBS and it helps with the fibro on the really shitty days...and I can still function.

I cannot function on the "legal" alternatives  they've tried to shove at me.

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Re: What are you under the influence of
« Reply #106 on: September 04, 2016, 09:02:00 PM »
I really wish I was in a state where I could legally take (not smoke) pot. I am pretty sure it would help with some stuff. My job won't allow it though, even if the state allowed it.

It is just becoming legal for medicinal use here, but pretty impossible to obtain legally in this area. Doctors around here will hand you every pain killer under the sun before they will even consider it.

All I know is that it helps with my IBS and it helps with the fibro on the really shitty days...and I can still function.

I cannot function on the "legal" alternatives  they've tried to shove at me.

Some doctors have brought up fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and MS in addition to all the actual degenerative stuff, but the easy to see stuff on all the MRI scans is what anyone ever wants to treat. I used to not take anything, then starting taking pain meds when prescribed (mostly after surgeries), but never asked for them, and now I flat out request stuff. They gave me Vicodin this last time and it will allow me to get by a bit better some days if I take a couple, but it doesn't get me anywhere near pain free. They are also so restrictive with the pain meds, it is frustrating trying to get them to realize I am not a junkie, I am just in that much pain 24/7. I tried all kinds of non-narcotics. Neurontin, Lyrica, and others. None of them help at all. I had the opportunity to smoke weed in Colorado in December 2014 and each time I am in Boston, which I would like to just to see if it helps, but I could lose my job if caught. Maybe it wouldn't help and I certainly don't desire smoking, but there are alternative ways to get it in my system and find out. If I didn't have kids, such that I didn't care about a paycheck, I'd do it.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2016, 09:53:30 PM by Trigger 11 »
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Re: What are you under the influence of
« Reply #107 on: September 04, 2016, 09:35:01 PM »
Careful with gabapentin and pregabalin, apparently those alpha2delta voltage-gated calcium channel agonists can bite, and they are reported to have some damn sharp teeth. Comparable with benzodiazepine withdrawal in many ways. Not something I fancy.

 I find it INCREDIBLY stupid folk can't get legal weed, for pain relief on prescription, especially when its backed up by medical imaging, you can't really FAKE that, even if you wanted to, bar someone desperate enough to break their own bones.  And even then, anyone that insane would be pushing for something a bit heavier than herb. But because of reputation, and DEA trash, its stonewalled, and they still have the nerve to complain about opiate epidemic use. I am not terribly surprised!
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Re: What are you under the influence of
« Reply #108 on: September 05, 2016, 01:22:41 PM »
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: What are you under the influence of
« Reply #109 on: September 05, 2016, 02:25:05 PM »
  Fiendishly catchy music I remember from my early teens.  :dance:

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Re: What are you under the influence of
« Reply #110 on: September 07, 2016, 07:46:32 AM »
Vevo suck and should be boycotted in favour of other postings of the same songs. those pricks censor swearing in their posted tracks, edited and censored. Which is pathetic and pointless. If we were too freaked about swearing and would be offended all we have to do is listen to something else.

Under the influence of clonidine, dipropionylmorphine, oxycodone, very soon will add dibenzoylmorphine to the mixture, and also desomorphine.  Also chlormethiazole, gabapentin, tizanidine (muscle relaxer, zanaflex) and have had a couple of capsules of chlormethiazole. Also some chloromethane fumes accidentally made me a bit light headed. Drying out a little methamphetamine from solution also, can't wait to try that in a speedball with the various opioids.

First and formost however, I am looking forward to trying (clean) krokodil, the way a pro clandestine chemist, rather than russian junkie peasant (poor guys, I feel for them) do it with what ever is available to them. A russian slum is not a good environment for chemistry full stop, cooking vint aside (russian for 'screw', meaning methamphetamine, usually in liquid form), a proper lab, clandestine chemist who sees his work as not only science, but art, and goes about it all with love. That, is what is needed for a nice, healthy product:).

Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Offline Lestat

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Re: What are you under the influence of
« Reply #111 on: September 10, 2016, 01:21:23 PM »
Just gone for a shot of mixed dipropionylmorphine and dibenzoylmorphine, but at the last minute, decided to be a bit naughty and indulge in a cheeky wee speedball (where an opioid and a stimulant are mixed in the same syringe and injected, very often its heroin and coke, but in this case it was a couple of somewhat more unusual and infinitely rarer to see, if ever in the case of dibenzoylmorphine and practically never even in the case of 3,6-dipropionylmorphine, on the street. These did not however come from a street source. And I can vouch with certainty the fact that they are contaminated with no cutting agents whatsoever, or anything else deliberately added, save water, for the purpose of being able to shoot it in the first place)

In this case, the psychostimulant was not cocaine, but methamphetamine. With speedballs, in their various incarnations both common and of course, when I get it in my head to partake, tweak both unusual and uncommon or unique if it were to be some original work of course, then its rarely ever coke, although I HAVE shot up cocaine I do not do so at all commonly, because injection of local anaesthetics tends towards causing cardiotoxicity, in the guise of arrythmias due to the blockade of voltate-gated sodium channels, although lidocaine is also used in lieu of electric shocks for cardioversion in certain cases OF arrythmias, as a class 1b anti-arrhythmic agent,

(see : for explanations of various antiarrythmic agents, antiarrhythmic agents in general and the explanation of dividing into classes and subclasses)

But this is due specifically to the local anaesthetic action of cocaine (and any benzocaine, lidocaine, that it might well be stomped on with by shady scummy dealers, not to mention before import) and not an inherent property of stimulants or stimulant-opiate combinations.)

But thats why I don't shoot coke.

Anyhow the general premise behind the combining the two types of psychotropic within the same shot is that the opioid and stimulant, if done alone, both create a huge immediate rush one just does not get with other methods of administration, as its dependent upon the rapid onset of a high, sudden concentration hitting one as a bolus dose, I.e all at once. The opiate gets one all lovely and relaxed and warm and fuzzly, euphoric, whilst the stimulant both prevents one getting so sleepy that nodding out turns into straight up falling the fuck jolly well up asleep, lol. Which would be a waste of money, tweak, gear and a high, it also comes with a rush all of its own, even on its own and it can be one helluva ride too. But put the two together not only does it make sure one is awake to enjoy it, but it restores motivation, inclination to tinker with things as one sees fit to so tinker,  but the combination rush is so intense you can just start floating almost, euphoric like crazy. Whilst for some the opioid smooths off rough overstimulatory edges that people may not like, helps avoid insomnia from the uppers, helps limit bruxism (jaw grinding),  makes for a more civilized, easygoing, relaxed experience that isn't nearly so edgy and wirey. Whilst the speed helps perk the opiates up, add to euphoria, get one going rather than incline the user to lazing about. Also the opiate helps avoid nasty comedowns, its a miracle cure for even some preeeeettttty damned foul crashes, seriously, its like glucose for a hypoglycaemic diabetic going into a coma. Although its always best to save a generous couple of servings from the opiate pages of the menu when dining in THIS restaurant, that way theres something for later once the tweaky side of the meal has worn off. One for as it wears off, with a little bit more stimulant, to send one back up again, and the second opiate/oid helping is..well...dessert, really, for no comedown. Best of all is a really fat juicy third serving at least of opiate, plus a bag of weed for the morning once you wake up, maybe a couple of bongs before  turning in, to help get one off to sleep.  And when you wake up in the whenever you like getting out of bed (LIKE getting out of bed? lmfao!) then shoot up the saved opiate shot and toke a few big fat bongs, have a lovely lie in with some music blasting.


For my cannabinoid choice, its going to have to be a bong of tobacco, with some N-cumyl-1-(-5-fluoropentyl)-indazole-3-carboxylate. Fast acting, extremely potent by weight and effect (like the fentanyl of the cannabinoidergic world only shorter acting and by weight CONSIDERABLY stronger than fentanyl is where opioids are concerned, but very short duration of action)
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Re: What are you under the influence of
« Reply #112 on: September 10, 2016, 02:40:54 PM »
I hate posting after Lestat.  I always seem so vanilla.  I'm under the influence of apple pie.
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Re: What are you under the influence of
« Reply #113 on: September 10, 2016, 02:41:42 PM »
How exotic.  :thumbup:
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Re: What are you under the influence of
« Reply #114 on: September 10, 2016, 03:20:37 PM »
I'm wondering when the cops will find Lestat on the side of the read dead from an overdose.    ::)

Offline Lestat

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Re: What are you under the influence of
« Reply #115 on: September 10, 2016, 05:34:48 PM »
Unlikely pappy.  I used to, in my younger days, be a lot less careful, got bitten a few times by different things., but now with new stuff I run it up stepwise, unless potency is a known factor (e.g if something was say, fr.ex, 10x as potent as morphine, in the opioid field, I wouldn't push it further that about 100mg, and not that, at first. Trying something at first that is a total unknown and with absolutely bollocks all data on the compound, or even anything similar I could get the most rough ass ballpark figure from, such as the, as far as I can tell, as yet un-made and untested phenethylamine (potential) psychedelic plus its amphetamine, cathinone and possibly even phentermine analogs, 3-bromo-4-(1,1-difluoromethoxy)-5-methoxyphenethylamine, an analog of mescaline with a difluoromethoxy group replacing the 4-position (a critical carbon on the phenyl ring in the phenethylamine and amphetamine/cathinone psychedelics determining type of activity if any) with bromine replacing the 3-position methoxy, swapping out the two electronpositive groups for very electronegative groups that pull electron density away from the aromatic ring, which should change the binding and affinity, efficacy as a serotonin 5HT2a receptor agonist and at 5HT1a pre- and post-synaptic receptors. Not too well up on 5HT2b and 5HT2c (5-HT stands for 5-hydroxytryptamine, aka the neurotransmitter serotonin itself) binding in mescaline and analogs compared to the 2,5-dimethoxy-4-substituted phens, phets and cats, but with the 2C-x series (2,5-dialkoxy-4-xyz substitution pattern, rather than 3,4,5-position carbons bearing the substituents on the aromatic ring, like mescaline and TMA, TMA-2,  etc., the TMA series being alpha-methylmescaline analogs with the numbers denoting relocation of one of the methoxy groups to another position on the phenyl ring, basically positional isomers of the amphetamine version of mescaline)

This, or indeed, and I searched HARD for quite some time to find even slight similarities, and all I could find was difluoromethoxymescaline, where 4-difluoromethoxy replaces 4-methoxy. But NOTHING whatsoever with both a 4-difluoromethoxy and a 3-substituent of a highly electronegative nature, like a halogen atom, nitro, trifluoromethyl or cyanide group. Or even with just an electron withdrawing substituent on position 3. It, as far as I can tell has never been done. Or if it has, its been done in private labs like my own, privately owned by citizen chemists, and not organized uni research departments, and whoever, if anyone, thats made it and tasted it hasn't spoken of it online.

So, it needs to be doing. So, the benzaldehyde is going to be reacted with nitromethane, nitroethane and the propiophenone to react with pthalic anhydride or the equivalent acyl chloride or bromide, to give the substituted pthalimidopropiophenone, that will cleave in stomach acid and release the drug, because primary amine cathinones are REALLY unstable, and rapidly dimerize to inactive, inert total shit. Bright purple useless shit, as it happens, lol.

So protecting as a prodrug seems like a viable option to me, thats acid-sensitive and so cleaves in-vivo. Because it takes about 10-15 seconds in water to to turn to crap, if in a concentrated solution, whilst molecules of the drug get less of a chance to meet up and dimerize, in a more dilute solution, I.e stomach contents, especially since its going to be released in a slower, steadier manner.

This is NEW, so once the benzaldehyde arrives, I will need to run it up really, really slowly from a very low dose (sub-milligram, since its a totally new heteroatom for this position, electropositive to electronegative group switch. Although at least I do know, from difluoromescaline retaining psychedelic activity, that it isn't impossible that this project will turn up a winner.)

currently on just the pain meds, etc. Turned up around a gram of morphine hanging around in a filter paper from the alpha-chloromorphide to desomorphine project. Leftovers, but tasty leftovers that came in at just the right time. Just about finished acylating by now, methinks. time for some workup.

I can't wait to get cracking. The benzaldehyde for it cannot come soon enough. Every time the postman comes lol, I start climbing the walls:P
« Last Edit: September 10, 2016, 05:36:28 PM by Lestat »
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Re: What are you under the influence of
« Reply #116 on: September 10, 2016, 09:31:18 PM »
"No one can tell what goes on in between the person you were and the person you become.
No one can chart that blue and lonely section of hell. There are no maps of the change.
You just come out the other side...

...or you don't"

~Stephen King~

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Re: What are you under the influence of
« Reply #117 on: September 11, 2016, 11:53:52 AM »
Black olives
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Re: What are you under the influence of
« Reply #118 on: September 11, 2016, 12:15:15 PM »

Upon a similar note, mine is enchilacos, right now.

Definition: enchilacos, a made up word used to describe the amazing treat that one creates after smothering tacos in chili and cheese and baking until the cheese is starting to toast on the very edges.

I am having some in a few minutes.
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Re: What are you under the influence of
« Reply #119 on: September 11, 2016, 02:51:42 PM »
I had a disappointing Mexican Lasagna from Stouffers for lunch.  Will you have leftovers for the Weeble and me?
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

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