The dregs of pain meds in my system. Pretty much just running on fumes now rather than cooking with gas, so to speak.
And about to pop some lidocaine solution onto a painful tooth.
Main thing in me now is, if theres much left in me, chlormethiazole, and a bit of gabapentin. Did have a couple of tizanidine, muscle relaxer, earlier when my fucked up nerve-ed leg started shouting in protest again, and as usual, the adrenal suppressant drug clonidine (the two are chemically and pharmacologically very similar actually, only tizanidine drops blood pressure less perhaps, and its a lot more of a muscle relaxer and a lot shorter acting neither suppress corticosteroid-related adrenal goings on, only monoamine release via agonism of the adrenergic autoreceptor, alpha2)
About to use some nasal decongestant, I'm all blocked up. Although I only react well (well, at least, THAT kind of reaction, the bodily variety) to locally acting ones though like xylometazoline drops, the one I use. pseudoephedrine or ephedrine make me feel like absolute complete and total bollocks, REALLY uncomfortable, borderline torture , either of them. At least until that hydroxyl group gets lopped off before being ingested by a human:P
Other than that, only thing I'm under the influence of are nicotine, and pramipexole, a dopamine agonist, that I eventually managed to get a rx for out of my doctors, to deal with the hated, despised RLS (restless leg syndrome) which is fuckin' misery given a meat suit.
Time to fix the running on fumes bit though, I haven't run out, I've just been busy on the computer, watching a couple of archaeology shows on the TV and eating. Not gone so long as to withdraw or anything, but I am just beginning to feel somewhat antsy and overstimulated. Nothing that can't be fixed. There's even a ready-loaded works on the corner of my bedside shelves next to my e-cig refill liquids. I think its mostly or all oxy though
I think I'll use the liquid in that to make one up that I know is morph, that way I get the oxy in there as a bonus. because while I'd not turn down oxy, it really does fail to excite, its actually, in my opinion
one of THE most boring opiates I've ever HAD, and thats counting anything pharm-made, anything given the personal touch, and each, and every last opioid-bearing plant that I've ever sampled. There are less interesting ones, of course and the odd actively nasty, disliked one, like tramadol, or the awful meptazinol, which left me doubled over on the floor in the foetal position after causing me really bad abdominal pain. That felt like I'd scoured my insides with barbed wire covered in caustic by the time it mercifully fucked off. Never again. And its the SNRI action of tramadol I don't like.
Oxy isn't unpleasant, its just got fuck all exciting about it too, IMO. Good enough for pain, if short acting, but there is no rush at all on I.V use, absolutely nothing. All its good for, is beefing up and adding some kick to other opiates with better characteristics, like morphine.
Actually there was, I just found on turning to reach for my mortar and pestle (one of them anyway, brought it home from turkey as a souvenir and for grinding spices, and other things (cleaning in between of course and placing strict limits onto the nature of what is permitted to go into it, I don't want to eat anything or shoot anything nasty from the lab. Not that I want to eat or shoot anything nasty from anywhere else, either mind you

there was a bowl-full of oxy solution and I just poured it away. I din't DISPOSE of it, just absorbed onto some clean paper towel roll for later use, or most, theres a bit of it left in, and that can stay in there since the reason for tipping the rest out is to make room for 300-400mg morphine sulfate, dissolved in whatever the hecks in that rig. What and how much I am not sure.
But at 300-400 I'm not about to overdose if it turns out to be something strong in there quantity wise. With oxy, it can get too much if I really packed it full as its a fair bit stronger by weight than morph, I've made myself spew before repeatedly a few times in the past. But I've enough 'wiggle room' so to speak with morphine, plus, its hard to GET enough of it into a 5ml syringe to make me do worse than itch, or fall asleep, and the latter is hardly something painful or onerous.
But I better get it right first poke, because I am down to the very last needle tip, unless theres one I've overlooked somewhere. One 28ga detachable one that is, I do have a single 1ml fixed insulin type left, but damned if I'm going to try using that to put in 5ml, and theres one 5ml barrel left, 1x10ml sterile saline pod, and 2 filters I did have one spare small syringe with a fixed tip as well but on opening the wrapper the thing just came right off, inside the cap, useless now.