How about, since we can not help the person who has permanently lost her eyesight, we make the perpetrator of such crimes responsible for the well being of as many others as they are capable. Consider the purposeful life changing attack on another as a near-capital offense and make it so that the person who has committed such a crime must give up any healthy organs to the needs of society's more deserving. We take from the ones who have no regard for others, to make the way easier for others who have need.
That criminal has literally pounds of usable liver tissue, at least two eyes, cochlear tissues, a lung, a kidney, bone marrow, larynx, several square feet of skin and scalp tissue, blood cells (both kinds) and plasma to extract ...
We could likely find new ways of using the entire body and only keeping the least amount of the criminal's body tissues alive as donor material for those who have the need.
I think he deserves to be a donor.