It could die tomorrow, but I think it's likely to keep on functioning until I decide to upgrade. I'm using an Athlon 2600XP with 1GB DDR 333 RAM, a Radeon 9600 AGP graphics card and a variety of fairly slow HD's, so an upgrade right now would be quite nice, but I'm holding off at the moment until flash SSD's become faster and more affordable and the price of DDR3 RAM drops a bit, and also until I have more money available.
Considering flash ram doesn't have an indefinite ability to re-write to itself, do you think SSDs are a good idea right now? I'd just settle with a large current HDD, they arent that expensive to replace these days.
I've already got large, cheap magnetic HDD's for my bulk storage requirements, but I want a low-latency, high-throughput solution for my OS and applications. My current HDD's often have a noticable delay when accessing files and folders, even when spun up and fully defragmented, and flash is supposed to provide a much snappier and responsive experience. I also already buy HDD's based partly on how much noise they make, and even the quiet ones have head-movement clicks that I find slightly irritating, so a silent drive would be quite appealing, and much better than getting fast, noisy magnetic HDD's, and the re-write limit isn't really that much of an issue either for current flash SSD's in most applications, from what I've read. 120-240GB of flash would be enough for me at the moment, preferably as 60-120GB drives in RAID-0; all my video files and similar things can happily remain on their big, slow, cheap magnetic HDD's.