What hypocrisy and double standard?
I like MLA and did not think he had two different standards.
I like you too. I think you had every right to call him out and he to defend himself.
I can go in to greater detail later if you want.
I am OK with that, I am not sure how everyone else will feel.
Here is where I am coming from. I like all of you.
MLA was a nice and smart bloke. He did not mind a stoush and he is pretty thick skinned. Some time ago he started making the majority of his posts either witty comebacks or pit downs. The percentages increased slightly. Whilst they remained cohrent and clever or witty, for me, I generally skimmed over them because it started having a sameness to them. As soon as I saw he posted, I suspected it would b saying some negative criticism of the proceeding post.
Each to their own though. This was not disallowed and it entertained him. A lot of people here (myself included) do certainly criticise other members and so on. The big difference was he would do this on a larger percentage to me.
THAT said....we are not moderated. If someone is being what YOU consider an asshat, you can not expect admin to sort them out or even consider they are breaking the rules. Call the fuckers out or flame them/debate them/argue them.
You saw something an attitude/behaviour/argument style you did not like and you called him on it. So did Rage.
Full marks, that is what we should do.

BUT if that means he did not have a point with "Perfectly allowed to do this. I want to do this, I have no problem doing this" then it is hard for you to gain much purchase on this point....unless there is more.
At the same time I do not think he could really contest much against your right to call him on that or your belief of what kind of a person you thought he was for behaving that way as much of it is subjective. So long as you do not start to make grand claims (which you may wish to do if you feel you do not have enough decent ammunition to sink him) then you do not overplay your hand and place him in a better or stronger position. Likewise his trying to play with words or concepts to redefined your arguments will not work because at base tacks it is obvious "You thought he was picking on people too much and not lending any variety beyond the putdown and that he was a jerk"
It makes for a fairly evenly positioned battle and with little to get a better footing. There is not likely any big blows or the like to be landed. Any claim or position has to be not too grand and any I think it comes down to who can "paint the better picture of the other"