Bumping, because I am on my way out the door and want to read it further and respond tomorrow. Maybe hear from some of the newer members? I'm sure this derailed somewhere before the end, but we can get it back on track 
I've been waiting for your input.
The thread derailed pretty quickly, but I think Rage summed it up pretty well. I like this place the way it is. It functions like a small scale experiment in social dynamics among a group of people who least understand them. It can be whatever the members want it to be, but only so long as they can gain traction with the rest of the group in the absence of all the usual motivators such as money and favors.
I personally don't want to see more advocacy stuff because it is boring and pointless, but if the rest of the members do want it then it will be.
I personally don't want to see more rules applied, but neither do I want to pretend like the place doesn't already have its fair share.
WP and AFF whining will always play a role here, as will TCO's meltdowns, Eclairs haughty attitude and Scrap's complete lack of respect for anyone else on the site. These are the things that make this the environment that it is, and it will evolve and change on its own as people come and go. Ultimately it will always be representative of those who choose to show up and play. It should never be held to a standard or an idea of someone who is no longer active, at that point it crosses the line into religion or philosophy or something else equally dead. Let's keep it vibrant and growing and ever evolving.