Yeah we have autism, what's his excuse? :lol:
He's an asshole.
What's the diagnostic criteria for that? 
"Asshole Personality Disorder
Asshole Personality Disorder (APD) is the most common mental disorder found in humans.
The disturbances caused by Asshole Personality Disorder are usually not suffered by the patient at all, but by those around him: tension headaches, frustration, impotent rage, high blood pressure, suicidal or homicidal urges and a complete failure of rational thinking processes when trying to deal with this asshole. Being subjected to someone's Asshole Personality Disorder can cause a wide-ranging and pervasive negative impact on relationships in work, home and social settings.
The patients themselves tend to live long and happy lives. The patient will often experience mild annoyance that the sufferer of their condition is off on one again and exasperation that they won't just pull themselves together.
[edit] DSM criteria
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) inexplicably fails to detail Asshole Personality Disorder. However, APD is classed on "Axis II" as an underlying pervasive or personality condition. A diagnosis of APD requires five or more of the following to be present for a significant period of time:
Refusal to acknowledge or even comprehend social rules
Delusions of adequacy
Believes others would do just fine if only they were sensible like him
Beliefs appear to change to match the situation, but that's just other people being idiotic
Pride in their superior people skills
Recto-cranial inversion
Projection of all symptoms on this list onto those around them."