I was told they were illegal because I did them for a short bit as a kid. My parents told me I can get in trouble with the police if they traced the call to me but only if those people report it to them. I stopped because I didn't want to go to jail or I should say juvi hall. Get in trouble with the police, you have done something illegal. If you were innocent, then you be clueless what you've done wrong. I got in trouble with the police once when I was 17 because some dickhead thought I took something from his store without paying for it. I didn't understand why I was being arrested even though I was told "for stealing a videotape" and I didn't know what they were talking about. I had a mild meltdown in the back of the police car but I was still able to speak.
My dad said to me "Now you know what it's like getting arrested." Then he asked me if they handcuffed me and I said "yes" and he said that was funny they handcuffed his daughter. That sure got me attention in school on Monday. When things happen in a small town, someone is most likely to see it and they spread the word and everyone knows about it. It was so tragic, I hid in my home the whole weekend with Benny & Joon. I didn't literally hide, I stayed home and didn't want to go anywhere with my family, I didn't even want to see the homecoming parade or any other homecoming stuff. I didn't even want to go to school but my mother told me just tell everyone at school what really happened, I'm honest so they'll believe me and she was right. That helped me get over it quicker in school. I thought I was going to have to switch schools and have to go to another town to attend school and I didn't want that change.