Author Topic: hello, from Santiago Chile  (Read 8257 times)

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Offline Dayko

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Re: hello, from Santiago Chile
« Reply #120 on: April 07, 2009, 03:15:58 PM »
Hello, well Colorado is an spanish word that mean Red,  well that roadsign  say Cerro  Colorado, Colorado Mountain , but there is an street  with that name, that mean that the out to the Cerro Colorado  street is there where the  arrows indicate.

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Re: hello, from Santiago Chile
« Reply #121 on: April 08, 2009, 06:17:49 AM »
color reddo :zoinks:
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Re: hello, from Santiago Chile
« Reply #122 on: April 08, 2009, 06:24:32 AM »
I just send face pics in mails.  8)

You posted a face pic on here already.


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Re: hello, from Santiago Chile
« Reply #123 on: April 08, 2009, 07:00:19 AM »

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Re: hello, from Santiago Chile
« Reply #124 on: March 03, 2010, 10:35:58 PM »
Hello everyone:

well i am somewhat new in here,

well my name is Francisco and i am from Santiago Chile, i am 25 years old and well i get in here by a friend that  he  suggested me the site,i have asperger i really the how knew that was very rare, well many years ago i  meet somebody in the internet, we get very good friends and well one day he told me that he could have asperger and that time get shocked, later when researched that i noticed had the same symptoms of asperger and well to me were relieving because there was the explanation of things that even myself i do not understanded, as  avoid eye contact etc etc and many as type of obsessions  too, well  and just  is just great know that am not alone in this, also get a depression too later by some reasons that i even do not know and just  been  in treatment on and off 3 years , about the friend that  made me get awake to the reality i  just keep friendship with this  now 4  years ago and just is wonderful, because not know the

well just i just in the time i meet some folks with asperger but not in my home country, i meet thems in USA and just is good and nice too.

well i really do not know how end my introduction, just  everyone if want do questions or whatever i am open to response thems.

greetings scandisk,

hope everything is well with you and your family.

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Re: hello, from Santiago Chile
« Reply #125 on: March 04, 2010, 09:13:26 AM »
Me too.  Have you heard from him since the earthquake, Kevv?

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Re: hello, from Santiago Chile
« Reply #126 on: March 05, 2010, 11:55:19 PM »
He hasn't.

I hope scandisk is ok.
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Offline Dayko

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Re: hello, from Santiago Chile
« Reply #127 on: March 08, 2010, 10:35:17 AM »
Hello everyone:
well first at all want to say thank you to everyone that posted here showing  their concern about what been happening in my country, well will do an little introduction to everyone new members,  my name is Francisco and i live in Santiago, Chile the country capital.
well will say about my experience with the earthquake happened in Chile  the saturday february 27 at 3 am had an duration of 7 minutes.if the moderator of the group let me do that.
well i woked up because my family  felt the earthquake at first time started of soft way was of wave the expansion  of the quake later increased the strength and well my house is of two floors and had to get between the output of the bedroom and was my hands holding between the frame of the door and the stair banister , and tried of quiet to my family  because if we were in the stair  with our total weights and the strenght of the quake the stair would colapsed  for lucky  that does not happened, later when the quake stopped  we going to the first floor and i was the first in go  downstairs to see what happened the kitchen the furnitures was in the floor glasses broken bathroom all the things in the floor broken but the appliances do not was destroyed, maybe because the furnitures were was the ampliances had wheels so just get moved with the shake and well we activated our  emergency  plan  the radio powered with batteries i turned on  and tuned in the first station  that were broadcasting the incident.
Chile is an Country that occur  earthquakes so  we my family atleast was ready to start our emergency plan  have  an defined area safe in our patio etc etc.
we were awake that day all night long  we just wanted that appear the sunlight and well the second night we going with the matress in the first floor for sleep   in case of shakes we can evacuate inmediatelly the house.
and well my  house do not had any structural damage our neighborns  brick walls  is 3 in my street that are in risk of colapse is with some wood bars to try of avoid that and with an yellow line that say danger , the power and water supply  was cut the water supply get restored on sunday afternoon, the power supply was restored on friday but just because  my mom use an bipap machine for an sleep apnea  and  i called to the municipality of my town for report on wednesday that,at first they do not wanted enter my report so i pushed and get my report entered, at the two hours get an call to the fixed line  phone the manager of the electric company asking me an dumb question, " if i had power supply, i answered no and she said that my area was  now in the priority list, the thursday with the desperation i saw some areas  of my town nearest to home  with power supply  at 50 meters of distance 0.0310 miles  so on night  took my cell phone and took an picture showing the contrast between my area without power supply and the area with power supply and sent via email  with my cell phone the picture to the only radiostation that was broadcasting non stop everything and  saying all the truth about  what were happening and were allowing that the people   get touch with them to  report problems due the quake,  locate to an relative or family member that is in the southern area   from the regions of Libertador Bernardo O Higgins till the region of the los rios, regions= states to us.also i was on monday to the power supply company office to  put my report  but had to lie to the person that was giving the numbers of attention to an assistant  and  of that way  could report to the office directly  about the situation, if i said the truth the guy would told me that should wait because not were the only. ok agree but my case was very special

we later of the  quake we  collected water in some pails before that the water supply was cut, the next day i were called from my work to  help to fix the showroom i work as stocker and study at same time in the college and was shocking see everything in the  floor gondolas  that was completelly broken etc etc, i just did my best for try of accomplish with my citizenship duty in emergency settings.
i saw in my work that the gondolas are empty  i work for an biggest chain of supermarkets  that now were purchased or merged with wall mart  and the trucks from central warehouse  just essential things but are not enough in fact are just trading things from Argentina because the industry too  some their mchinery are broken and the airport and ports  are seriously damaged and for trade new machines or repair replacement  will be in one or even more than two months.
i think that as pushed so much  get results  in my favor, my mother  can not live without the BIPAP machine on night.and had to do something  because of other way would still without electricity supply in fact are many areas of Santiago and others regions affected with the quake  that still without power supply , now i knew that lack transformers  because many transformers was burned and have to be imported because is not even industry that manufacturate transformers or one that have capacity of manufacturate the enough devices to the 6 regions and thousand of right now shortage of basic things like tea,coffee,milk,flour,candles,batteries, water in bottle,etc etc essential  things.also are speculating with the products  values in little business  even the bread from an value of 1.5 dollars  upper to 3 dollars the kilo and others business near of home was selling the bread by piece   but to an highest value. we currently are just purchasing now bread in the supermarket.
now well  i have to say that this earthquake will never be erased of my memory  destroyed houses,buildings killed people by the not quick action of  our government and  not accomplishing the anti seismic laws of build houses and buildings.
well my doctor that i visit was called also by the army to help to the area affected by the quake.
sorry if the  post is not well structurated just am nervous because  still having quakes of lower strenght.
well one more time  thank you  by  the concern shown by the members here.
the friday get restored the power supply during that time i had my cell phone turned off for preservate energy in my battery  because the networks were  just not working was continously looking up network and  well better was turned off for save energy and just turn on  for emergency calls.

take care


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Re: hello, from Santiago Chile
« Reply #128 on: March 08, 2010, 10:57:37 AM »
Glad your okay.  Your post unstructured?  I'd hate to see what mine would look like after going through that good work :plus:
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Re: hello, from Santiago Chile
« Reply #129 on: March 08, 2010, 01:04:09 PM »
Glad you're OK.
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Re: hello, from Santiago Chile
« Reply #130 on: March 08, 2010, 04:27:38 PM »
Glad your okay.  Your post unstructured?  I'd hate to see what mine would look like after going through that good work :plus:


Good to see a sign of you Francisco.
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Re: hello, from Santiago Chile
« Reply #131 on: March 08, 2010, 04:37:14 PM »
Good to hear from you, and well done giving the electricity company a bit of a push to restore supply to your area.  :thumbup:


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Re: hello, from Santiago Chile
« Reply #132 on: March 08, 2010, 04:58:31 PM »
Pleasure to meet you. Good to read you're okay.


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Re: hello, from Santiago Chile
« Reply #133 on: March 08, 2010, 05:12:43 PM »
Good to hear you're OK.

Why the fuck did you guys build your country right next to a major Subduction Zone?? ?? ?? ?? ??

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Re: hello, from Santiago Chile
« Reply #134 on: March 08, 2010, 05:43:45 PM »
Your should get some deep cycle batteries and an adapter for the BIPAP once things are okay they see them here
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'People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.'
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