have you had a lot of social problems because of having aspergers? i know south americans are very social people, but they're also very tolerant of people who are 'eccentric,
well yeah but i think are getting some wrong information , yeah in south americxa is not so social at least in here, but yes i get troubles in fact in work not almost not talk with anyone, just not have any topic of what can talk if talk something of my interest would just bore to someone so better not talk much.
the people here to whose they perceive, limited, just they take advantage of you , just not like that.
well before of know about asperger fighted to myself in do eye contact etc etc and in wonder why some things that not get an answer, now just i not fight with myself, not worth, just ended accepting that facts .
even when were little boy i get rejected of schools because not stared at eyes when get interviewed .