planes are supposedly safer than cars
Incorrect. The chances of walking away from a collision (usually with the ground) are far smaller.
On the plus side, there are fewer objects to collide with in the air.
But you're forgetting about one crucial factor that makes planes safer, and that is, there's a lot less idiots piloting planes than driving cars. I should know, considering how the assholes drive around here.
No fuckn way, wouldn't catch me on the road, I can't even remember to bring my boxers in to the bathroom, for after my shower. The visual imagery and hyperventilation might have helped me to locate them quick, because I thought I forgot. There is something symbolic though, shower is to house, and boxers are to sex. Sometimes I think I am going nuts, but then I start thinking more abstractly, even look what I find!
The house is cold at night, I wear a coat in doors, even with a sweat shirt, and temperature of 72degrees. I am not so sure, but I cut down on the superfoods.