I once posted a thread called "Anyone like to swallow their snot?" and the first response I got was "That makes me want to vomit no offense."
Now why would that offend me? She was just speaking the truth about herself.
When I have a cold, I just keep sniffling and swallow it. Better than using kleenex and carrying them with you and having to carry the used ones until you find a trash can. Sometimes I spit it out on the sidewalk. I'm surprised that didn't get locked. I guess he didn't see it or no one reported it.
One time I started a thread and I talked about how I got into an argument with my bf because he wouldn't give me a logical answer so I kept questioning him and I was basically shouting at him and we were at a bus stop. It was about if there were fart bags you can wear one in your ass and when you fart, the smell goes into the bag and no one would be able to smell it and I wanted to know why he wouldn't want to try it if there were them but he kept saying "I don't want to." Well the topic lead onto about farts or whatever and Sinsboldly reposts the rules in the threads and bolds where we were violating them and told us to knock it off.
I still think the fart bags was funny.
I really really hate getting these answers:
"Because I said so."
"Just because."
Any illogical answers that doesn't explain anything. Sadly I can't do that with my mother because she gets mad so she just says she can't explain it because it's hard to.
I drove my whole family crazy with my bunch of questions when I was a kid. I wanted to know everything and have a logical explanation to everything and if you didn't give me it, I wouldn't listen. Then I came to a conclusion when I was 12 people are too lazy to answer.